The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL) on behalf of Hlanganani Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd invites Joint Ventures between suitably experienced, SANAS accredited laboratories and Targeted Partners for undertaking site laboratory testing in accordance with SANS 3001 for the upgrading of Panbult Intersection (Linking Provincial Roads D803 and P97/2) across National Route N2 Section 34: Sub-contract for site materials laboratory for the upgrading of Panbult Intersection (linking provincial roads D803 and P97/2) across National Route N2 Section 34. This project is in the Province of Mpumalanga and in the District Municipality of Gert Sibande and the approximate duration is of 20 months, commencing August 2023. (Ausschreibung №86913406de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 86913406
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 04-07-2023


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INVESTICIJSKO VZDRZEVALNA DELA SSGT Quelle: Služba Vlade Republike Slovenije za razvoj in evropsko kohezijsko politiko

Javno naročilo storitev po odprtem postopku za izvedbo letnih vzdrževalnih pregledov s preizkusom tesnosti in popravil plinskih instalacij za potrebe MNZ, GPU, mejnih prehodov in policijskih uprav Quelle: Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve

Javno naročilo blaga po odprtem postopku za izdelavo in dobavo javnih listin brez zaščitnih elementov Quelle: Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve

United Nations Headquarters is seeking information regarding the provision of Long Term Air Charter Services, on-call/Stand by Service for one (1) or multiple fixed-wing Jet aircraft for a period of one (1) year plus two (2) optional one (1) year period each, in support of United Nations Global operations, which could be activated for short term (home base), medium term (temporary away from home base) or for long term with base in one of the countries serviced by United Nations Missions in Africa, Middle East or South America: Provision of Air Transportation Service for one (1) or multiple fixed-wing Jet aircraft in support of United Nations Peacekeeping Missions. The operator shall provide logistic operations such as transportation of passengers and/or cargo point-to-point operations, operating day and night under VFR/IFR capability. The Aircraft may need to be available 24/7. When needed the operator may also be required (if capable) to undertake other types of services which may include general emergency evacuation with or without an AMET Team. Aircraft Configurations: Fixed-wing: - Fixed Wing Jet Aircraft must be capable to perform missions for a minimum of 35 adult passengers (85kg each) with 20kg of personal luggage each on passenger configuration; - Fixed Wing Aircraft must be able to transport a payload of at least 4,500kg without refueling at a distance of 1500 NM; - Aircraft must be able to be reconfigured from passenger to cargo to general stretcher evacuation configuration or vice-versa in less than one hour; - Trained, Type Rated and licensed Flight Crew including Maintenance Team; - Carriage of Dangerous goods is preferred. All dangerous goods transported by air must be carried in compliance with ICAO Doc 9284, (if applicable); - The Air Operators are required to be self-sufficient when tasked outside the Main Operating Base; - Air Operators are required to have the back-office capability to secure and pay for their own landing permits, ground handling, aviation fuel and crew accommodation, meals and transportation and any other operational costs; - No Safety concerns from ICAO or EU on the Air Operators or relevant Civil Aviation Authorities granting AOC. Country: Global. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Expressions of Interest are hereby invited from bidders and joint ventures for the following: Emergency Repairs, Maintenance and Refurbishment of ADM"s Water and Waste-water Services Infrastructure: General Maintenance. Scope: - Repair, maintenance and installation of water and sanitation infrastructure and facilities such as pipe lines (and associated meters, valves and chambers), dams, boreholes, pump stations, Water and Waste Water Treatment Plants. Service Providers will be fairly allocated work within each grade via works orders, particularly related to the construction, refurbishment, repair and rehabilitation of the following types of works but not limited to the list: • Gardening services; • Bush clearing; • Cutting, mulching and disposal of reed beds; • Disposal and transport of sludge and general waste; • Cleaning and repair of sewer manholes/sumps/pump stations; • Unblocking sewer lines; • Minor pipe repairs and pipeline installation; • Water meter replacements / installations; • General building maintenance; • Fencing. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Repair, replace, service and install palisade fences, booms, swing gates, gates, turnstiles, garage doors, roller shutter doors and roller shutter window coverings including motors for operation of all the mentioned fixtures and fittings for SANSA Hermanus. Scope of work (terms of reference): SANSA is seeking to appoint a preferred supplier to repair, replace, service and install palisade fences, booms, swing gates, gates, turnstiles, garage doors, roller shutter doors and roller shutter window coverings including motors for operation of all the mentioned fixtures and fittings at SANSA located in Hermanus, Western Cape on an as and when required basis for a three (3) year period. The services are required at the SANSA Hermanus Facility located at SANSA in the Western Cape. The appointed supplier will be required to enter into an SLA with SANSA. Specifications: 1. Palisade Fence: • 4km in length; • Galvanized; • Panel size: 2, 3m x 3m; 2. Gate – Main gate (entrance): • Centurion D10 motor; • Guided on track with infrared sensor; • 19mm casters on gate; • Self closing; 3. Swing gates: • Centurion Swing arm gate motor; • 1.8m x 1.2m; 4. Turnstile: • 3 arm full height; • Hand operated drive; • Card Reader integrated; 5. Garage doors motors and services (x 7): • ET motor; • Door style: slatted roller shutter; • Chain driven; • Spring tensioned; 6. 1 x set of Boom gates: • Boom length 2 x 3m with chain; 7. Roller shutter Windows: • 2 + Main building; • 2 + Research building; - The mentioned items listed are serviced annually; - Items number 4 and 6 are currently undergoing upgrades; - The list is not exhaustive as SANSA is in the process of undergoing several upgrades; - Model numbers, and quantities are subject to change; - Supplier to confirm measurements; 8. Motors. Please confirm the closing date and time as it was not published. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS