Bids are hereby invited for the following: Supply and deliver gift vouchers for EPWP Kwabhaca Employees attending Women’s Day Celebration. Specifications: - Redeemable 185 Gift vouchers at a value of R500 each for Women’s Day Celebrations on 24 August 2023. - Shoprite, - Mr Price, - Clicks, - Game. Please note that this bid was published late. (Ausschreibung №89440202de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 89440202
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 18-08-2023


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Voller Zugriff
Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of a panel of service providers for a period of 36 months for the repair and maintenance of Diesel Generators on an as and when required basis. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider for the procurement of Cleaning Material for the Department of Public Works, eThekwini Region, 455A king Cetshwayo Highway, Mayville Complex. Specifications: 1. 30 x Dishwasher liquid soap (equivalent to Sunlight Liquid) 5 liters; 2. 20 x Multipurpose cleaner (equivalent to Handy Andy) 5 litres; 3. 15 x Thick bleach (equivalent to Domestos) 3 litres; 4. 20 x Furnisher polish (equivalent to Mr. Min); 5. 10 x Mutton cloth /cream /white 400g; 6. 02 x Pine serene multipurpose cleaner 25 litres; 7. 20 x Pine gel 5 litres; 8. 20 x Deo blocks 1 liter bucket; 9. 10 x Super multi insect killer (equivalent to Doom) 300ml; 10. 20 (packs) x Refuse bags xl packs of 100"s; 11. 48 x Air fresher 180ml; 12. 05 x Wash and wax liquid soap for washing cars 25 litres. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of a panel of service providers for a period of 36 months for the repair and maintenance of Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS’s) on an as and when required basis. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of training services for medium voltage network operations. Scope: The service provider must: a) Render an outcomes-based training programme that supports formative and summative assessment(s). b) Conduct pre-assessments to determine the entry levels of learners (where required). c) Provide skilled and experienced facilitator(s) who shall be dedicated in providing facilitation services at any of the municipal venue(s), in accordance with the nationally acceptable norms and standards. d) Assist the municipality in the coordination and monitoring of the relevant training programme by means of monthly reports per learner. e) Submit comprehensive monthly reports on learner progress and attendance registers. f) Provide exit level Outcome: Trained and Competent learner. g) Be open for customisation in line with the core functions of the municipality. Learners will be on different levels and implementation levels may differ. Provider should be able to accommodate this in the facilitation and assessment methods. Facilitation must be rendered with the learner in mind. Adult learning must be taken into consideration. Objective of this training: This skills programme must enable a learner to understand the principles and application in Medium Voltage Network Operations. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of training services for Adult Education and Training (AET). Scope: The service provider must: a) Render an outcomes-based training programme that supports formative and summative assessment(s). b) Conduct pre-assessments to determine the entry levels of learners (where required). c) Provide skilled and experienced facilitator(s) who shall be dedicated in providing facilitation services at any of the municipal venue(s), in accordance with the nationally acceptable norms and standards. d) Assist the municipality in the coordination and monitoring of the relevant training programme by means of monthly reports per learner. e) Submit comprehensive monthly reports on learner progress and attendance registers. f) Provide exit level Outcome: Trained and Competent learner. g) Be open for customisation in line with the core functions of the municipality. Learners will be on different levels and implementation levels may differ. Provider should be able to accommodate this in the facilitation and assessment methods. Facilitation must be rendered with the learner in mind. Adult learning must be taken into consideration. The expected deliverables from the project are: - Pre-assessment of new AET learners; - Continuing of current AET learners; - Development of a customized AET programme for the Municipality; - Development of a curriculum and a delivery schedule; - Delivery to groups of candidates to enable them to participate in NQF level 1 and 2 qualifications. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of 240l wheelie bins, Qty: 200. Specifications: The wheeled bins shall conform to the following specifications: • Shall be constructed of HDPE material; • Must have a capacity of 240 litres; • Must have a height of 1063 mm; • Must have a nominal weight of 9 kg; • Must have a width of 720 mm; • Must have a wheel diameter of 200 mm; • Date of manufacture to be moulded into body and lid; • Six digit serial number to be moulded into body. The wheeled bins must also have the following key features: • The bins must be black in colour; • Strengthened front comb to ensure exact locking on lifting equipment; • Solid rubber tyres with steel spring loaded locking pins; • Rounded corners and smooth, easy to clean internal surfaces; • Must have a corrosion resistant axle; • Must be compatible with standard lifting equipment; • Must have a warranty of minimum 5 years. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS