Formal written price quotations are invited for the following: Supply, delivery and installation of office furniture for the Directorate of Human Settlements. Specifications: - Apprentice High Black Leather Chairs with Nylon Arms x 6; - Focus Executive Desk L Shaped Desk: 2 Drawer Pedestal with open Filer; 3 Drawer Mobile Pedestal Wood: Mahogany x 6; - Roller Door System Cabinet: Wood: Mahogany x 2. (Ausschreibung №89924117de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 89924117
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 27-08-2023


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Formal written price quotations are invited for the following: Provision of 24-hour security services for a period of 180 days for Gonubie Traffic Services. Specifications: The duties shall in general entail the patrolling of premises, access control, control of movement of assets, protection from and or buildings and general crime prevention measures agreed upon. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Breede Valley Municipality invites quotations from suitably qualifying suppliers (service providers) for the following: Supply and delivery of gravel wearing course. Scope of Work: - 200 tons of Gravel Wearing Course. Delivery Address: Fairbairn Stores. Delivery Period: Delivery period shall be within 7 working days from receiving an official order from the municipality. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written price quotations are invited for the following: Provision of 24-hour security services for a period of 180 days for King Williams Town Roadworthy Testing Centre Traffic Services. Specifications: The duties shall in general entail the patrolling of premises, access control, control of movement of assets, protection from and or buildings and general crime prevention measures agreed upon. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of Centrifuge tubes. Scope: 10ml sterile centrifuge tubes x 3000 tubes: Round Bottom; Screw cap: 3000 tubes required: please quote on the appropriate number of pack sizes. Proposed delivery date: 01 September 2023, Delivery address: Allerton PV Laboratory, 458 Town Bush Road, Cascades, 3202, Local municipality: Umsunduzi, District: Umgungundlovu. Please note that this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written price quotations are invited for the following: Refurbishment of chalets and ablutions at Gonubie Resort & Nahoon Caravan Park: Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotation are hereby invited for the appointment of suitably qualified & experienced architectural firms to provide architectural services during the fit out construction of new infrastructure offices at MUT Student Centre Building. Scope of Service: The scope of services entails the provision of architectural services from stage 5 to stage 6 in accordance with SACAP 2021 (South African Council for the Architectural Profession) standards and expected deliverables per stage: - Stage 5: Construction documentation and management; - Stage 6: Stage 6: project close-out. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS