Extension of closing date: Bidders are invited to submit tenders for the following: supply and installation of cabling infrastructure and associated services (electrical and civil works) for SAPS site (Lebowakgomo Garage). Scope of Work: The scope of work is for the procurement and installation of Cabling Infrastructure and associated services (Electrical and Civil Works) at the site for South African Police Services Limpopo. The scope further covers the following key deliverables: a) Professional/Advisory services limited to the cabling, electrical and civil works only; b) The planning and the design of the cabling infrastructure; provide site cabling layout; c) Provision of LAN cabling equipment; Network, Housing, Cables and Electrical equipment; d) Installation and testing of the newly installed cabling infrastructure as per the SAPS Cabling standards; e) The supply and installation of standard racks, as well as outdoor enclosures/containers where applicable; f) The supply, installation and commissioning of UPS’s, air-conditioning units and Surge/lightning protection Unit systems with a 1 year warrantee; g) The supply and construction of civil works where applicable; h) The construction of mid-sized server rooms as and when required, i) The decommissioning of old cabling infrastructure and site cleaning; j) Project management services limited to the cabling scope of work. Site Name: • Lebowakgomo Garage. (Ausschreibung №90188502de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 90188502
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 31-08-2023


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