Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Clothing, PPE & Accessories: - 60 pair x gloves; black & orange; 1000v; 9; electrical; - 24 pair x gloves; black & orange; 1000v; 10; electrical; - 100 pair x gloves; leather; green; 6cm; welders; - 100 pair x gloves; leather; green; 6cm; welders; - 204 pair x gloves; wrist; protective. Specifications: Gloves: - Colour: Bi-colour, black and orange; - Voltage: 1000V; - Size: 9; - Specific use: Electrical; - Class: CL 0; - Thickness: 1.00mm; - Category: AZC/RC; - Conformity: ASTM D120/NFPA 70E; - Rolled cuffs; - Preferred: Novax or equivalent. Gloves: - Colour: Bi-colour, black and orange; - Voltage: 1000V; - Size: 10; - Specific use: Electrical; - Class: CL 0; - Thickness: 1.00mm; - Category: AZC/RC; - Conformity: ASTM D120/NFPA 70E; - Rolled cuffs; - Preferred: Novax or equivalent. Gloves: - Material: Leather; - Colour: Green; - Length: 6cm from the wrist upwards; - Specific use: Welders; - General handling lined welding gloves that can withstand extensive heat. Mechanical properties for abrasion (EN Level 3), cut resistance (EN Level 1), tear (EN Level 4) and puncture (EN Level 3). Proof of standard compliance to be submitted upon delivery; - Standards: EN388 and SANS 316. Gloves: - Material: Leather; - Colour: Green; - Length: 6cm from the wrist upwards; - Specific use: Welders; - General handling lined welding gloves that can withstand extensive heat. Mechanical properties for abrasion (EN Level 3), cut resistance (EN Level 1), tear (EN Level 4) and puncture (EN Level 3). Proof of standard compliance to be submitted upon delivery; - Standards: EN388 and SANS 316. Delivery date: 2023/11/13. Delivery to: Electricity - Ndabeni Red 1 Plant. Delivery address: 1 Melck Street, Ndabeni. (Ausschreibung №90659922de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 90659922
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 08-09-2023


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Хороо хоорондын авто замыг засварлах ажил Quelle: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Хороо хоорондын авто замыг засварлах ажил Quelle: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Roof repair and extension of carport at Western Depot Road signage section. Scope: 1. Extension of carport: • Extend existing carport by 8m x9.4m and make good; • Supply and fit customer made aluminum gutter 14.5 mm wide; 2. Office: • Investigate licking and seal with rubber liquid water proofing and make good; • Brick up wall partition 4 x 3.49 x 2.7m high with M90 blocks, incl. plaster and paint with 2 coat (paint specification by client); 3. Female and Male ablution: • Supply and fit shower PVC foldable door x 5; • Supply and fit burglar guard size: 1.26m x 2.5m high x 2; • Fix all damaged door frames and make good; • Clear all rubble on yard and dump on registered site. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of plant hire services. Scope: 120 hrs x Hiring of Grader with Operator (100kw minimum) - Wet Rate; 120 hrs x Hiring of TLB with operator - Wet Rate; 15 days x Hiring of Water Tanker (10 000L Minimum) - Wet Rate; 100 hrs x Hiring 12 Ton (Minimum) Vibratory Smooth Roller - Wet Rate; 15 days x Hiring 10m³ (Minimum) Tipper Truck - Wet Rate; 1 x Site Establishment/Delivery of Machines. Delivery Address: Msunduzi Plantation, 50 Otto’s Bluff Road, Woodlands, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. Please note that this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited from suitably qualified and experienced service provider to transport 2 High mast structures that fell down during storm from Enseleni and Ngwelezane to City of uMhlathuze stores. Scope of work: - Dismantle 40 m High Mast structure in Enseleni, transport and off-load at City of uMhlathuze stores; - Dismantle 40 m High Mast structure in Ngwelezane, transport and off-load at City of uMhlathuze store. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Establishment of a panel of service providers to provide advertising services for the Gauteng Department of Health [GDoH] for a period of three years. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS