Addendum: Amendment to Closing Date: Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd (hereinafter “Eskom”) invites you to submit a tender for the following: Design, manufacture, testing at works, supply, installation and cold commissioning of transformer, power: apparent power: 2.5 MVA/88/6.6kV; Vector Group YNd1; Ester oil filled; to Snowden Substation. (Ausschreibung №90661515de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 90661515
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 08-09-2023


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Voller Zugriff
Dodávka technologií pro zvýšení kybernetické bezpečnosti Quelle: ZAKÁZKY Czech Republic

Penetrasjonstesting - Kontraktstildeling Quelle: kunngjøringer av offentlige anskaffelser og anskaffelser i forsyningssektoren Doffin

Qualification System for the Supply and Installation of Electrolyser Equipment Quelle: ETenders

Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider to provide a web-based solution/access to various information database sources for the implementation of an internal personnel suitability checks function in the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) for the duration of thirty-six (36) months. Scope of work: 1. The Department requires a service provider that will ensure uninterrupted continuity of the current internal capacity and functionality in terms of conducting the Personnel Suitability Checks, by providing a web-based solution that will give accurate reports on consumer information by means of having access to relevant databases or sources where such information may be obtained; 2. The service provider will be expected to provide various information database sources that will enable the DMRE to have access to the following comprehensive consumer information reports: 2.1. Real-time consumer credit records or reports including: - The identity (ID) verification; - Delphi Score/credit rating, judgments, inquiries, collections, defaults; - Inquiries by finance institutions; - Linked addresses and phone numbers; - Employment background checks; etc. 2.2. Business interest information scan (ownership/membership/directorship); 2.3. Immovable property ownership scan (Deeds scan/search); 2.4. Qualification verification (DMRE Human Resource Administration & Practices); 2.4.1. The service provider will provide qualification verification services for the DMRE and provide the department with both Grade 12 certificates and tertiary qualifications with results (electronic); These constitute domestic qualifications only and not qualifications obtained outside the Republic of South Africa; 2.4.2. Provide results of all qualifications to the Department within the agreed turnaround time (electronically); 2.4.3. Provide background checks as and when required. These may include social media profiles; 2.4.4. The turnaround time for finalizing the task by the service provider will be seven (7) calendar days; 2.5. Supply and configuration of two (2) portable Electronic Fingerprint Scanner (biometric) that is compatible with the supplied web-based platform for purposes of criminal record checks (this is a once-off purchase); 2.6. User licenses for 13 users with User Rights as determined by the Department. 3 The service provider will also provide User Rights and full training on how to input and retrieve/access information to 13 users. Please note that this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the sale of the following: Vehicles & LDV"S - Meyerton. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the sale of the following: Miscellaneous Equipment - Secunda. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS