Department of Transport, Kwa-Zulu Natal invites tenders for the provision of routine and safety maintenance on various roads within Mtubatuba Local Municipality, under Hluhluwe Cost Centre at Umkhanyakude District. (Ausschreibung №90837993de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 90837993
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 12-09-2023


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Voller Zugriff
Lepelle-Nkumpi Local Municipality invites tenders for the following: Leboakgomo Unit B, upgrading of stormwater control. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Department of Public Works and Infrastructure invites tenders for the following: Supply of electrical material and electrical repairs to facilities used by the DPW&I in Mount Frere Depot within Alfred Nzo Region (as and when required), one year term contract. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Department of Public Works and Infrastructure invites tenders for installation of IP cameras to various DPWI properties within Alfred Nzo Region in Maluti (Depot and X-College), Mt Ayliff (DPW&I and Transport) and Mt Frere (Depot, Thobile Bham & Doe). Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Western Cape invites tenders for the appointment of a contractor for the construction of a sewer and stormwater pipe in Nduli, Ceres, under Witzenberg Municipality in the Western Cape Province. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Lepelle-Nkumpi Local Municipality invites tenders for the following: Motlapodi wet land: Fencing for ward 05. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Department of Transport, Kwa-Zulu Natal invites tenders for the provision of routine and safety maintenance on various roads, P16/4, P258, P268, P274, P287, P289, P309/1, P309/1, P34/3, P34-4, P404, P433, P46/1, P46/2, P463, P46/3, P47/2, P486, P49/1, P49/2, P498, P523, P54, P199, P219, P220, P273, P293, P300, P336, P377, P487, P498, D1311, D427, D503, L2892, L2893, L3055, D124, D1303, D1309, D1360, D1719, D193, D194, D195, D213, D22, D23, D230, D235, D236, D238, D2442, D2467, D2468, D2507, D271, D303, D304, D308, D308, D32, D322, D339, D34, D349, D366, D37, D38, D387, D400, D42, D422, D486, D503, D516, D530, D536, D578, D579, D596, D702, D808, D825, D83, D92, D94, L1065, L1066, L1303, L1304 & L1390 within Abaqulusi Local Municipality under Vryheid in Zululand District. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS