Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Durban Space Planner. Scope of works: Stage 1: - Space Planning: 1. Receive the Client"s brief, including organisational charts and business objectives. 2. Interview key role players to further access detailed requirements. 3. Complete a site survey and prepare as-built plans in Autodesk Revit or similar software to show layouts. 4. Survey existing furniture and equipment relative to planned layouts. 5. Design new furniture relative to planned layouts. 6. Prepare departmental space standards – existing Vs new office furniture. 7. Prepare overall space budget estimates. 8. Receive client approval on budget estimates. 9. Prepare detailed space planning layouts for client approval. Stage 2: - Design Concept and Development: 1. Prepare detailed design concepts and development documentation. 2. Present design concept and receive client comments for final approval. 3. Compile electronic drawings for each area showing intended space provisions, planning relationships and materials and services intended to be used. 4. Prepare “photo” quality 3D’s of key areas x 10. 5. Prepare sample boards showing actual materials intended to be used. 6. Advise Client on estimated costs concerning the initial budget. 7. Advise Client on anticipated project program and potential lead times on local and imported materials. 8. Prepare detailed BOQ for Furniture procurement. Stage 3: - Technical Documentation: 1. Prepare detailed drawings showing space provisions, floor plans, elevations and sections. 2. Prepare working drawings, detailed specifications and technical documentation necessary to assist in executing and completing the works. 3. Issue all drawings and technical documentation to the approved contractors and suppliers. 4. Member of IID - Institute for Interior Designers professional body will be added advantage. Place where goods, works or services are required: 134 Pretorius - Pretoria - Pretoria - 0002. Please note that this proposal was published late. (Ausschreibung №91353970de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 91353970
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 28-09-2023


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