Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd (hereinafter “Eskom”) invites you to submit a tender for the provision of Institutionalised Training within LimLanga Cluster for a contract period of Five (5) years. Scope: 1. Level 1 - Basic Electrical Training x 50; 2. Level 2 - Advanced Electrical Training x 50; 3. Level 3 - Final and Trade Test Prep x 50; 4. Trade Test Re-writes x 30. Course Content: Module: CCD, Hours: 2, Course Control Document; Module: UP - T, Hours: 5, Convert units and prefixes; Module: MA - T, Hours: 12, Explain electromagnetism; Module: EU - T, Hours: 15, Analyse electrical units; Module: PS - T - 1, Hours: 4, Explain single phase power supplies; Module: PS - T - 2, Hours: 4, Explain three phase power supplies; Module: EM - T - 1, Hours: 5, Explain the use of electrical measuring instruments; Module: TI - 1, Hours: 12, Use electrical testing instruments; Module: PW - 1, Hours: 10, Measure resistance; Module: CC - T, Hours: 10, Select conductors and cables; Module: CT - 1, Hours: 4, Test a low tension cable; Module: CA - 1, Hours: 2, Fit a 16 ampere plug top; Module: CA - 2, Hours: 2, Fit a compression gland. Course Content: Module: CA - 3, Hours: 2, Fit a gland; Module: CA - 4, Hours: 4, Join a low tension cable; Module: TT - 1, Hours: 8, Explain single phase transformers; Module: TT - 2, Hours: 3, Explain three-phase transformers; Module: SD - T, Hours: 5, Star-delta transformer theory; Module: EL - T, Hours: 5, Explain single phase earth leakage protection circuits; Module: EL - T - 1, Hours: 5, Explain three-phase earth leakage protection circuits; Module: TC - 1, Hours: 24, Connect transformers; Module: FF - 1 - E, Hours: 8, Fault find basic electrical circuits; Module: LS - 1, Hours: 8, Light switching; Module: EM - 1, Hours: 6, Connect a single phase energy meter; Module: EC - 1, Hours: 40, Wire circuits; Module: MMI - E, Hours: 5, Measure and mark off material; Module: OPE - 1, Hours: 3, Use and maintain a portable drilling machine; Module: OPE - 2, Hours: 3, Operate a portable angle grinder. Course Content: Module: HM - 1, Hours: 12, Use hand tools; Hours: 8, Induction. (Ausschreibung №91541935de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 91541935
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 04-10-2023


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