Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Repair 11kv Cable at Eutectic Point. Specifications: The serving provider is required to repair a 240mm PILC aluminium 11kV cable laid under concrete. The awarded service provider must do the following: 1. Digging to expose the faulty cable, the cable more than 3m deep in the area full water, 2. The cable is situated in the area full of live cables and network cables, only shovels must be use to prevent damaging other cables, 3. After safety has been proven by CoU’s representatives, cut the cable, each end must be away from water and pump out water in order to carryout work, 4. Proving the current cable insulation to correct and the new piece insulation to correct and provide results, 5. Insert a new piece, make two joints away from water, 6. Pressure testing the whole cable after making the joints and provide results, 7. Refilling after work is completed, CoU’s representative has checked the quality of work, is satisfied with insulation tests, pressure testing and has received all test results, 8. Insuring the tidiness of the area after completion. (Ausschreibung №93417546de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 93417546
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 31-10-2023


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Voller Zugriff
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Upgrade of the existing TeamMate subscription to AM_April 2023 Release. Scope of work: On Site assistance with the upgrade of the existing TeamMate to AM_April 2023 Release: - Installation of Web Apps, - Conversion of TeamMate SQL dB, - Creation of Connection and Services Files, - Setup of email functionality and scheduled tasks, - Install Desktop Software on Champion’s computer, - Create TMReg.ini, - Preparation of Client Install Routine, - TeamMate Champion and IT to install/assist with the upgrade of IA staff computers, 2. TeamMate AM Configuration: - Update of the TeamMate EWP Project Template according to uMhlathuze Municipality, - Municipality Internal Audit Methodology and Reporting Requirements, - Update of the TeamMate EWP 360 Report Template according to uMhlathuze Municipality, - Municipality Internal Audit Report. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of materials and labour to remove floor carpet and tiling at Council Chamber and Executive Council Chamber with 600 x 600mm Porcelain Tiles. Scope: • Removing of existing of Floor Carpet in all offices; • Safely move and return all Furniture when the work is done; • Adjust and return all doors after tilling. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of high voltage line testers. Scope: - High Voltage Detector 11 – 33kV with Carry Case; - Must be compatible to test the presence of voltage; - No on/off or range selector switches (always on); - Clear indication of voltage detection with both audible and visual indications; - Self test system to verify proper operation; - Operating frequency – range 50 to 60Hz; - Battery – field replaceable 9V; - Battery life – Approximately 1 year for typical use; - Operating temperature range -25°C to +40°C; - Weight (without probe) – 0.31 kg. Qty: 08. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

龙山镇湧北村排涝涵洞边、园美新村、径口组道路硬化工程更正公告 Quelle: CCGP

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and deliver food parcels, Quantity: 85. Specifications: - 10 kg Rice, - 10 kg Maize Meal, - 5 kg Brown Sugar, - 5 kg Samp, - 5 kg Sugar Beans, - 2 Litres Cooking Oil, - 500g Soup Powder, - 1 kg Soya Mince, - 80s Rooibos Teabags, - 6 x 400g Canned Fish in Tomato, - 6 Tins of Conned Meat (Bull Brand), - 500g Table Salt, - 1 kg Oats, - 4 x 200 g Bar Soap, - 250ml Sanitizer, - 4 x Greenbar Soap, - 10s of Toilet Paper. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of link sticks. Scope: 1. Telescopic operating stick - be manufactured in accordance with IEC 62193 or ASTM F1826-00 and must be comprised of telescopic sections that are locked in position by means of durable spring-loaded pins; 2. Top section - The top section of such a stick must be of foam filled tubes or solid rods that are design, manufactured and tested in accordance with IEC 855 or ASTM F711-02. The effective visible length of the top section must be not less than 1200mm when extended; 3. Hollow sections - The rest of the telescopic link stick must be made of insulating tubes that are designed, manufactured, and tested in accordance with IEC 1235 or ASTM F711-02; 4. Overlap - The overlapping sections must not be less than 150mm and springs and pins shall be used to lock the extended sections; 5. End fittings - Operating stick must have a standard nonferrous universal fitting and a thumbscrew to accommodate operating, testing, and earthing tools; 6. Tests - The supplier must guarantee that operating sticks conform to the requirements of this Specification before they can be supplied to Makhado Municipality; 7. Di-electrical Tests - Insulating section(s) of operating sticks must be subjected to dielectric tests as specified in IEC 855 and IEC 1235 or ASTM F711-02; 8. Mechanical Tests - Solid operating sticks must be subjected to mechanical tests as specified in IEC 1235 or ASTM F71- 02. Qty: 08. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS