Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Wall of fame design and construction for the Durban ICC. Scope of services: - The service provider in conjunction with the Durban ICC to source historical images of the Durban ICC; - The service provider should be able to provide the history of each image provided and be able to provide QR Codes for each image for visitors to be able to scan and access the history; - All images shall be printed and be provided in a frame according to the Durban ICC specifications; - The service provider shall provide high quality images which are non-fading; - The service provider shall provide the Durban ICC all images in electronic format in both high-resolution and low-resolution versions. Pictures must also be presented in TIFF and RAW format for large graphic printing, as well as JPEG or PNG The service provider is to provide the Durban ICC all video footage in high-definition format; - The Durban ICC requires images and footage of the Centre’s iconic events images as well as for high profile events that the Durban ICC has hosted in the past; - The Durban ICC should be able to provide a set of aerial photographs showing the Centre. All costs associated with the capturing of the aerial images are to be included in the quotation; - The appointed service provider shall provide the Durban ICC fully indexed disks of the electronic images; - The appointed service provider must provide their own archive of all images provided to the Durban ICC; - Outdoor photographs must be panoramic; - Aerial photographs shall have a focal subject point; - Aerial photography provided shall be undertaken during ideal capture conditions (around solar noon, no haze, clouds etc); - The Durban ICC reserves all rights to the images and footage and will use them at its sole discretion. (Ausschreibung №94007760de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 94007760
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 10-11-2023


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Байгаль орчинд нөлөөлөх байдлын нарийвчилсан үнэлгээний тодотгол хийх Quelle: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Restructuring of holding pens and treatment area for high producing dairy cattle according to specifications. Specifications: - Removing of current structure; - Replacing current structure with treated poles as per specification where indicated low traffic areas; - High traffic areas will be constructed with stronger materials made from steel; - Replacing of cattle gates as per specification - strengthened modifications; - Cement floor as per specification; - Supplying and installation of Cattle neck clamp as per specification; - Supplying and installation of Cattle weighing cage as per specification; - Supplying and installation of custom made Cattle gates as per specification; - All bidders should be familiar with large animals and know the SANS specifications for cattle camps and working facilities, and provide structures adhering to these specifications; - Bidder will have to assist in providing alternative measures to work with animals whilst construction is in process; - Bidder should be able to work around daily activities of animals being treated; - Bidder should know biosecurity measures of animal facilities and food producing entities; - Structure will have to be SPCA approved. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited from suitably qualified, experienced and competent contractor for the following: Construction of Mzwakazi access road and bridge. Typical project: - 2.2km x 5.5m route gravel access road and bridge. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of steel pipes and fittings to Laing Dam pipeline workshop. Scope: Supply and deliver: • 350mm x 6m Galvanized Steel Pipes Flanged T-16 x 7; • 350mm VJ Flanged Adaptors x 4; • Flanged Gaskets Suitable for Table 16 Drilling Pattern x 10; • M20 Bolts, Nuts and Washers x 200; • 6m x 355mm PVC CL16 x 6. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Design, supply and printing of branded diaries. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of electrical defect material for repairs of Department of Health CSC burnt building in Bathandwa Ndondo Office Park within Chris Hani District. Please note that this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS