Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of office furniture. Scope: 1. Supply and delivery 2.3L Plastic Cordless Kettle x 5; 2. Supply and delivery of 30L Stainless Urn x 2; 3. Supply and delivery 20L Metallic microwave x 3; 4. Supply and delivery of 170L fridge with top freezer x 7; 5. Supply and delivery of Melamine desk with 50mm top x 1; 6. Supply and delivery of System Melamine cupboard x 1; 7. Supply and delivery of chairs x 25; 8. Supply and delivery of cabinet with 4 adjustable shelves x 1; 9. Supply and delivery of steel shelving x 1; 10. Supply and delivery of twelve tier locker x 10; 11. Supply and delivery of four tier locker x 30; 12. Supply and delivery High support mesh lumbar support chair x 3; 13. Supply and delivery of visitor chair x 3; 14. Supply and delivery of white magnetic board x 4. (Ausschreibung №94531800de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 94531800
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 19-11-2023


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Английский аукцион на повышение на право заключения договора аренды нежилого помещения площадью 131,4 кв.м и земельного участка площадью 1040 кв. м, расположенных по адресу: Республика Коми, с. Визинга, ул. Советская, 36, принадлежащих ПАО Сбербанк
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Quotations are hereby requested from interested persons / entities to submit a proposal for the operating of the refreshment kiosk at Stywelyne and Dwarskersbos Beach Resorts, for the period between 08 December 2023 to 30 June 2024, as set out in the specifications. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS