Department of Public Works and Infrastructure invites tenders for one year term contract for maintenance and repairs to back up generators in Alfred Nzo Departments. Scope of Work: Major Service: • Carry out “walk around” inspection for oil, fuel and water leaks; • Run the set on “test” for 10 minutes and then switch off engine and return plant selector switch to “off” position; • Drain lubrication oil and replenish with the correct grade of oil; • Change lubrication oil filter elements and fuel filter elements; • Clean out air filter element or replace if necessary; • Check valve clearance and adjust if necessary; • Grease all points as required; • Drain and flush cooling system, refill with clean water and add cooling system conditioner; • Check water jacket heater operation; • Check condition of fuel pipes and hoses; • Check for water build up in the fuel filter trap; • Check the fuel tank drain valve for build-up of water; • Check and adjust to specification battery voltage, charge rate and perform voltage drop test to determine condition of batteries; • Check fan and alternator belt tensions; • Grease fan and alternator bearing; • After running the engine for 5 minutes: 1. Check engine oil level and top up if necessary; 2. Inspect electrical panels; 3. Check electrical and control connections; - Simulate a mains failure: 1. Observe start up, satisfactory operation of transfer switch and load acceptance of generator; 2. Check and record when generator has run for 15 minutes: - Generator output voltage stability; - Generator output frequency and stability; - Engine water temperature; - Engine oil pressure; - Engine fuel pressure; - Charging alternator output; - Check exhausts system for leaks. (Ausschreibung №95048925de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 95048925
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 28-11-2023


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