Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Repair MV cables over summer breakdowns. The scope of work: Terminations: 1. The cable will be isolated by municipality officials, tested to identify the position of the fault and earth from all source of supply, 2. Disconnect the affected termination, cut, clean, prepare for terminating, 3. Do insulation and resistance tests on the cable with a prepared termination before you complete the termination and after the termination is completed, record and submit result to project manager, 4. Where there is not enough cable slack to do a termination, a piece will be added including a joint to complete one termination and you will also need to excavate for work to be up to the correct standard and the termination must be done according to an approved standard, 5. The termination must be lugged and connected at completion, 6. When disconnecting the cable, phase rotation must be taken into consideration, marked before disconnecting and when connecting the cable, 7. Should the termination fail before guaranteed time, the service provider have to repair at own cost and material, Cable joints: 1. Safety before working will be ensured by municipality officials, 2. Service provider will need to excavate to expose the faulty cable, after municipality testing official has located the fault on the cable, 3. The joint must be made on the dry surface, the distance between the joints must not be less than 5 meters if there a two joints on one cable, 4. Excavation must be carried out with caution as there might be live cables around the faulty cable, 5. Clean, cut, prepare the cable for joining, insulation and resistance test the cable before completing the joint, test the piece to be insert, then test the cable after joining is completed. Record the results and submit them to project manager, 6. Ensure that phase rotation is correct when doing cable joints, 7. Cable joints must be done according to an approved standard, 8. Should the joint fail before guaranteed time, the service provider has to repair at own cost and material, 9. The service provider must refill have completing the joints. (Ausschreibung №95796003de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 95796003
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 07-12-2023


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Bids are hereby invited for the following: Topographical survey for Good Hope Clinic. The appointed service provider is required to undertake a comprehensive Topographical Survey with the following requirements: • Survey all physical features, trees, bollards, ramps etc; • Survey all existing amenities, electrical poles, boxes, kiosk etc; • Survey all existing services found, stormwater manholes, cover and invert levels etc; • Survey all boundaries including existing road infrastructure, kerbs etc. The project, from appointment and undertaking of the topographical survey should not take longer than one (1) month. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Extension of Closing Date. Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Procure and install antivirus solution for Free State Department of Health for three (3) years. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider for the relocation of furniture from Western Cape to Pretoria. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of beehive PPE at Bergvliet Plantation. Specifications: - 2 x Beekeeper starter kit 1 with American smoker; - 1 x Large full body, full set beekeeper protective suit, to include protective veil suit smock - bee-hat-gloves; - 1 x X-Large full body, full set beekeeper protective suit, to include protective veil suit smock - bee-hat-gloves; - 20 Pack x Trimmer line, precut 3.5mm (100 pieces in a pack). Delivery address: Bergvliet Plantation, R536 Sabie Hazyview Road, Sabie, 1260. Please note this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of Suture 4/0 catgut, natural, absorbable, size-strand: 70cm, needle 16mm, 3/8 circle, cutting x 10 boxes (box/24) as per specifications. Contract period: once-off. Please note that this RFQ was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Network switches for NHLS Helen Joseph Laboratory. Scope: - Supply and install c9200L Switch 24-port; Full PoE+ with c9200-NM-4X (4x 1G/10G). Do not supply grey products x 2; - Supply 1 x Cisco Network Advantage License x 1; - Supply 1 x Cisco DNA Advantage License x 1. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS