Re-advertisement: Price quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a supplier to operate coffee shop/deli at Geelbek, West Coast National Park for a period of 18 months. Scope of work: • SANParks do not expect the operator to prepare food items from an all a carte menu, instead we want a deli style concept with prepacked foods. Thus, no large capital investment is required; • Operator must come with already prepared food; • Preparation of food on site not recommended; • Operator must be familiar with the tourism trend of West Coast National Park (e.g., Peak and low seasons); 6. Operator to take note of the park opening and closing hours and specify the hours of operation of the business; 7. Building conditions - Sanparks will not be doing any renovations to the current building, as there are a long term Public Private Partnership (PPP) opportunity planned for the future (no renovations will be done); 8. One to two years’ experience in operating a coffee shop / Deli; 9. Operator must be familiar with working with local / international tourists; 10. Operator must sell quality food items; 11. Operator must be familiar with the type of market the Park is serving. 12. Operator must be familiar with the seasonality, and also note that rental is fixed throughout the season, as well as out of season. 13. Company profile must be submitted with emphasis on experience in operating coffee shop/deli/catering/events, also provide business address; 14. The Opportunity is only valid for 18 months, no guarantee on the renewing of the contract; 15. Comply with local health regulations and be able to provide certification on request; 16. Rental deposit two month in advance; 17. Rental monthly in advance. (Ausschreibung №96752275de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 96752275
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 23-12-2023


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Re-advertisement of contract number: RMLM SCM:2023/2024-06B: Bids are hereby invited for the following: 1. Supply and delivery of new fuel tanks and pumps including management thereof; 2. Supply and delivery of fuel (diesel & unleaded petrol) and oil for a period of 36 months as and when required. Specifications: • Supply and delivery of Diesel, unleaded Petrol and Oil for a period of 36 months as and when service is required; • Replacement of fuel tanks (Diesel/ Petrol) with new tanks; • Replacement of existing fuel pumps with new pumps using electronic tags; • Authorisation for the removal or placement of tanks and pumps should first be obtained from the municipality; • The cost for the repair of the surface after installing the tanks and pumps is for the account of the successful bidder; • Supply the municipality with dip sticks for the fuel tanks; • Repairs or replacement of the tanks to be done on the inception of the contract and the report to be availed to the municipal manager; • The service and calibration of the pumps must be done periodically when requested by the municipality; • The replacement and monitoring of filter cartridges and the process should conform to South African National Standards; • Monthly inspection to be conducted must be conducted and reported to the municipal manager; • Delivery must be done within 24 hours after placement of an order and must be delivered to the municipality main stores; • Prices are subject to fluctuations during the contract period as regulated by Government; • Feeding lines (rubber pipes) of pumps must be green for petrol black for Diesel. Please confirm the contract number. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Bids are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of legal service contract for a period of three (3) years. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Construction of new 96 Units at Kwamashu Community Residential Units (CRU), Tender 2 (2 of 2: Blocks C and D). Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: The University of South Africa invites suitably qualified service providers to provide the University with the following: Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC)/Turn-Key Services for the Integrated Smart Building Management System (ISBMS) at Polokwane Campus which is situated on the following addresses: Library Building (Administration), 23A Landros Mare Street, Polokwane; Registration Building, 29 Landros Mare Street, Polokwane and New Building, 20 Market Street, Polokwane. Specifications: An Integrated Smart Building Management System (ISBMS) should: • Provide intelligent & optimal start/stop of building systems; • Monitor and control building facilities; • Provide optimal equipment time scheduling; • Enable alarm settings and automatic notifications; • Support maintenance processes; • Enable disaster management and automatic recovery; • Ensure building safety; • Have an intelligent and interactive interface; • Adopt open communication protocols; • Be expandable for Internet of Things (IoTs); • Enable trending and data analysis; • Enable building users to make adjustments; • Recording building functions and performance (data collection, trend analysis); • Monitoring and controlling building’s equipment; • Managing loads and enhancing efficiency (Reduce the energy needed to illuminate, heat, cool and ventilate a building); • Optimally controlling energy management (operational scheduling); • Measuring, predicting and defining energy optimization actions; • Provides alerting, diagnosing, trending and management reports. The scope of work for the ISBMS shall include: • Headend equipment and software; • Field devices; • GUI and report development. Please confirm the closing date. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Price quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a supplier Operate Preekstoel Food Truck. Scope of work: 1. The operator is expected to trade from a Mobile Food truck or similar; 2. The Opportunity is only valid for 18 months, no guarantee on the renewing of the contract; 3. They do not except the operator to prepare large meals on site; 4. A la Carte is not required; 5. The operator is also allowed to sell perishable beverages and food items e.g. chips, cooldrinks, ice creams; 6. Preparation of food on site is not recommended; 7. The operator must be familiar with the seasonality of West Coast National Park (e.g., Peak, and low season); 8. One to two years of experience in operating a Deli; 9. Operator must be familiar with working with local / international tourists; 10. Operator must sell quality food items; 11. Operator must be familiar with the type of market the West Coast National Park is serving; 12. Operator must be familiar with the seasonality, and also note that rental is fixed throughout the seasonal time, and out of season. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Rand Water hereby invites tenders for the Engineer-Procure-Construct (EPC) of power generation using hydropower system to power the cathodic protection rectifier units at Rand Water. The main purpose of the scope is to source a Service Provider to investigate the feasibility to generate electrical power using turbine. The generated electricity will power a Cathodic Protection rectifier supplied by three phase, 400V AC, with a transformer rating of 25KVA. The output of the scope is to get a maximum DC output of 150A/100V that will be used to energize the pipeline for Cathodic Protection purpose. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS