Extension of Closing Date: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of parking management system, bus billing & maintenance of both systems at Pretoria Station for a period of 18 months in the Northern Gauteng Region. Scope of works: PRASA CRES is seeking proposals from sufficiently qualified and experienced car park management operators to manage and maintain the parking operation and systems, inclusive of the following: - Maintenance of the parking equipment; - Implementation and management of the bus/coach billing system at Pretoria Station; and - The service provider will operate and manage the pay on entry system with a view to optimize revenue generation and collection while ensuring generation of revenue and efficient and effective access control to the facilities. Extent of scope of work: Pay on Entry System, Implementation and Management of the Bus/Coach Billing system and the Maintenance of the Parking System. The overall management and administration of the pay on entry system, bus billing system, maintenance of the parking system and overall commercial parking at Pretoria station encompassing the following components: 1. Management of the Pay on Entry Parking System; 2. Implementation, Integration & Management of the Bus/Coach Billing Management System, and 3. Management/Facilitation of the Maintenance of the Parking Equipment at Pretoria Station. The service provider will operate, manage, maintain the existing pay on entry system. In addition, the service provider shall implement, install, manage and maintain the new Bus/Coach billing with a view to optimize revenue generation and collection while ensuring efficient and effective access control to the facilities. (Ausschreibung №98309436de)

Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 98309436
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 24-01-2024


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