Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Conduct the 2023/24 Board and Committee Evaluation. Scope of Work: • The Service Provider will review existing governance and Board documentation to establish the role and expectations of the Board; • The Service Provider will also engage with members of the Board to establish their views on a number of governance processes and Board dynamics. The objectives are to ensure that SANEDI’s governance procedures follow best practice, to ascertain whether the Board feels properly informed, engaged, satisfied with its team dynamics, and to make recommendations that might enhance the Board’s effectiveness; • The Service Provider will present a written report on the overall fitness-for-purpose of the Board, with recommendations to enhance its efficacy and structure where applicable. • The Service Provider will work closely with SANEDI’s Company Secretary who will make introductions where necessary and provide requisite documentation and support for the Services; • The Service Provider will include the following in a proposed work schedule: Develop a detailed proposed methodology and a work implementation plan; • The Service Provider will be required to hold a consensus-building meeting (virtual) with the Chairman of the Board and the Company Secretary; • Discuss engagement procedures (define role of Board and that of the Service Provider); • Agree on the plan of action indicating the activities to be undertaken towards the evaluation of the Board; • Define the Board and SANEDI Board members roles in the evaluation process. (Ausschreibung №99031227de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 99031227
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 05-02-2024


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