ABR0017/2024 Contratación de la redacción del proyecto técnico y de la instalación de un sistema de almacenamiento de energía eléctrica mediante baterías para la conexión a la red interna de la Universidad Pública de Navarra (Ausschreibung №107438029de)

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Land: Spain
Sprache: ES
Nummer: 107438029
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 15-07-2024


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Re-advertisement: Transnet Property, Johannesburg invites tenders for the provision of maintenance repairs, replacements and breakdowns of plant type aircon units on as and when basis at Newcastle and surrounding for a 3 year period. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Transnet Capital Projects invites tenders for the supply and installation of the fire protection system in Island View, Berth 9 - Port of Durban. Scope: - New reinforced concrete and brick pump station building with a concrete roof slab and below ground level chamber with plinths to house three fire pumps, two filler pumps, a foam concentrate storage tank and a foam admixing system; - New internally lined fire water reservoir including overflow piping, nozzles, level transmitter, level switch suitable for seawater; - Two new seawater filler pumps located in the below ground chamber in the new pump station building as well as a new vacuum pump; - Two new diesel engine driven fire pump sets mounted inside the new pump station building; - Pump house fire protection sprinkler system including sprinklers and fire alarm valve manifold; - One new 30m³ steel foam concentrate tank, foam admixer and foam concentrate re-circulation pump and supply of 30m³ foam concentrate inclusive of commissioning foam; - New internally lined and externally epoxy coated steel pipework, fittings, and valves; - Two new remotely controlled fire foam monitors on monitor stands on the jetty along with associated piping and fittings, including a connection for a third future monitor; - Fire water hydrant spur running along the fire wall with four fire hydrants; - 90m long reinforced concrete fire wall; - All associated instrumentation including level transmitters on the reservoir & foam tank, pressure transmitters and gauges; - New MCC & distribution panel for pumps; - Small power & lighting within the pump station building; - Integration of instrumentation and control by means of remote I/O to the existing PLC & SCADA; - Supply and installation of all power, control and instrumentation cables, including cable supports; - New fire screen wall protecting electrically actuated remote-controlled water/foam monitors with control panels and structural steel viewing platforms; - New CCTV cameras to monitor the berth 9 operation and to assist with incident detection. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Transnet Property, Johannesburg invites tenders for the provision for maintenance, repairs, replacements and breakdowns of plant type aircon units on as and when basis at Coastal KZN which includes Durban, Stanger, Port Shepstone, Cato Ridge and surrounding areas for a 3 year period. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Bids are hereby invited from suitable qualified and experienced service providers for the establishment of a panel of consultants for civil and building projects for a period of three (3) years. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

AMS050 Traisentalbahn - Attraktivierung und Elektrifizierung - Örtliche Bauaufsicht Bau Quelle: PROVIA bieterportal

Contratación de servicios para el mantenimiento de jardines y zonas verdes del concejo de Labiano y poligono Berroa (concejo de Tajonar) del Valle de Aranguren Quelle: Gobierno de Navarra