CA14088 - Consultancy Services for Business Transformation (Ausschreibung №104269950de)

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Land: United Kingdom
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 104269950
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 13-05-2024


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Re-advertisement: Bids are hereby invited for the following: Modernization, Repositioning, Design, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Close Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras for a period of three years. Scope: - Modernisation and repositioning of the existing Close Circuit Television (CCTV) system and hardware in the new and old terminal buildings, landside, airside and admin block at Polokwane International Airport. - Design, Supply, Installation, Commissioning of the new Close Circuit Television (CCTV) system and hardware in the New, Old Terminal Building, Landside and Airside at Polokwane International Airport. - Serviceability Maintenance of the whole Close Circuit Television (CCTV) hardware and software for a period. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Soil and Water Analysis. Specifications: Soil: 1. Sample preparation Drying and Grinding (up to 1 kg); 2. pH; 3. Resistance; 4. Moisture percentage Gravimetric; 5. Particle size; 6. Stone Fraction; 7. Cations exchange capacity (CEC) and extractable cations; 8. Water soluble extract; 9. SAR (Sodium Adsorption Rate); 10. Exchangeable acidity KCI 1 mol dm-³); 11. Titratable Acidity; 12. Carbon (%C); 13. Nitrogen; 14. P & K; 15. Micro-elements (Fe, Mn, Mo, Cl, Cu, Zn, B, S); 16. Heavy Metals (Cd, Cr, Hg, As, Pb, Co, Cr, Ba, Ni, Se); 17. Chloride (Cl); 18. Free Lime (CaCO3); 19. Electrical conductivity (EC); 20. Water retention (Pressure plate -33; 80; -500; - 1500 kPa); 21. Air-water permeability; 22. Modulus of rupture; 23. Density; 24. Atterberg: Liquid & Plastic Limits, Linear Shrinkage, Plasticity Index; 25. Water holding capacity (2 pressures); 26. Total Digestion (Hazard wastes); 27. Sulphur - Calcium phosphate method; 28. X-Ray diffraction (clay minerology). Water: 1. Potability; 2. Irrigation NET_01 & SS NET_02; 3. Total suspended solids; 4. Total dissolved solids. Required at: Prof S.O. Oluwafemi, University of Johannesburg, John Orr Building, Office Room 2114, Doornfontein Campus, Cnr Nind and Beit Street, 2094 Doornfontein, Johannesburg, South Africa. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

8-Pan Gas High Efficiency L- Shape Frying Range Quelle: Contracts Finder

Air conditioning, supply and fix wall mounted units to Dukesway ambulance station on behalf of the North East Ambulance Service NHS Trust (NEAS) Quelle: Contracts Finder

Installation and maintenance of Festive Lights 2024 - 2025 Quelle: Contracts Finder

Community Woodlands Track Upgrade Quelle: Contracts Finder