Safe Boarding of Sea Vessels Training (MMO) (Ausschreibung №82604603de)

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Land: United Kingdom
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 82604603
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 20-04-2023
Erster Preis des Vertrags: 85 290 100 406 (EUR)
Ursprünglicher Betrag: 75 000 112 500 (GBP)



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Voller Zugriff
The Mandeni Municipality invites bidders from suitably qualified and experienced service providers for the Supply and delivery of 1 x 6 wheel grader. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of a professional service provider to implement an ERP information system on behalf of Bloem Water. Scope: • The system must be hosted in Bloem Water premises, supplier can propose cloud hosting solution; • The system should be fully integrated to eliminate multiple input of data by users; • All systems data must be stored in a Microsoft SQL Server database for which Bloem Water will provide the license; • The systems must be Generally Recognized Accounting Practices (GRAP) compliant and provide users with GRAP compliant reporting; • All systems must be implemented at Bloem Water premises and the entity data shall not be removed from site for the purpose of this implementation; • Bloem Water will not grant the service provider remote access to its network for purpose of this implementation; • All systems will be implemented, configured and tested before they can be deployed into Bloem Water production environment; • All systems must be licensed under Bloem Water during project handover for a period of five years; • The appointed service provider must provide an implementation plan on which they will periodically report progress to Bloem Water management. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Suitable service providers are hereby invited to submit written quotations for the following: Procurement of catering service for IDP/Budget stakeholders and public consultation in Magatle. Specifications: - Lunch: Grilled chicken, beef stew, pap, rice, gravy, 1 salad, 1 veg. - Assorted cold drinks + 100% fruit juice (400). Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of on-site training of laboratory personnel in the standardized and modified helminth extraction and quantification method for sanitation samples. Scope: The training of personnel must include the following: 1. A theoretical training component discussing aspects of parasitology and test methodologies for parasites, specifically referring to methods for helminth ova enumeration including the modified method. 2. A hands-on, practical training component using the improved helminth extraction and quantification from sanitation samples method which must include the following aspects: - The preparation, washing and sedimentation of samples; - Using density gradients, flotation and centrifugation techniques for helminth egg isolation; - The identification and enumeration of helminth eggs using light microscopy. 3. Bidders must be able to demonstrate their experience and skill: - In the field of parasitology; - Regarding the theoretical and practical aspects of the modified method for helminth egg enumeration from sanitation samples; - Method development in the field of parasitology. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Wirral Parks and Countryside Cleaning Contract Quelle: Contracts Finder

Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Trial Quelle: Contracts Finder