4010; CHAIN, STUD LINK; K (Ausschreibung №78047657de)

Land: United States
Sprache: UK
Nummer: 78047657
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 16-02-2023


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Voller Zugriff
Quotations are hereby invited for a suitably qualified service provider of the specific trade: waterproofing of the admin building and site wide at Freedom Park. The scope of work is as follows; • Remove tiles and brick paving where there is leakage as per the Engineer’s representative’s instruction; • Removal of the existing Waterproofing Membrane; • Removal of existing cement floor screed and installation of a new screed; • Crack sealing to roof slab; • Installation of waterproofing membrane roof slab; • Seal gutters and downpipes; • Removing existing tiles and retile; • Any other required work as instructed by the engineer. Department: Finance. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of refreshments. Specifications: 1. Cremora 1kg 20 per box x 5; 2. Rooibos Tea 200g x 50; 3. White Sugar 2.5kg 10 per bale x 5; 4. Brown sugar 2kg x 50; 5. Ricoffy 750g x 50; 6. Ricoffy 250g x 20; 7. Joko Tea 250g x 50; 8. Five Roses 250g x 50; 9. Jacobs Kronung 200g x 5; 10. Jacobs Krönung Decaf 200g x 10; 11. Fresh milk 1lt 6 per pack x 6. Please note that this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of Lab Consumables. Specifications: - Naringenin analytical standard, must be HPLC grade. - Kaempferol analytical standard, must be HPLC grade. - Methanol. - Nylon syringe filters, 0.45 pm and 25 mm diameter, must be sterile. - Nylon anti-bird netting bag to be used to protect against bird damage for sorghum heads. Please confirm the contract number as two were published. Please note that this quotation was published late. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

DA10--Software Subscriptions/Maintenance/Licenses | Clinical Quelle: Federal Business Opportunities

6515--Carl Zeiss Kinevo 900 System Quelle: Federal Business Opportunities

Residential Reentry Center (RRC) services and Home Confinement (HC) services for male and female offenders within the boundaries of Burleigh and Morton counties in Mandan, North Dakota. Confinement Radius: Within 200 miles of the facility Quelle: Federal Business Opportunities