R604--AUTOMATED MAIL SERVICE (Ausschreibung №93576637de)

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Land: United States
Sprache: UK
Nummer: 93576637
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 02-11-2023


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Voller Zugriff
Erratum: Extension of closing date and a second briefing session will be held. Bids are hereby invited from interested tenderers for the appointment of a contractor for the Rehabilitation of 40 Cambridge Street. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Vea Road Maintenance & Civils (Pty) Ltd invites tenders from experienced EME/QSE subcontractors for the following: Routine Road Maintenance of National Route N4 section 1, N4 Section 11 & 12, N1 Section 21, R21 Section 2 & R104 Sections 1 & 2 & R573 Section 1 on behalf of Vea Road Maintenance & Civils (Pty) Ltd in accordance with the requirements of The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL). This project is in the province of Gauteng and in the Tshwane Municipality. Subcontractors are required for the following subcontracts "as and when" required: Description: Road Marking, - Routes: - N1-21 km 6.20 - 33.40 (incl. 10 interchanges), - N4-01 km 8.40 - 20.30 (incl. 5 interchanges), - N4-11 km 10.00 -19.52 (incl. 2 interchanges), - N4-12 km 0.00 -11.29 (incl. 1 interchange), - R21-2 km 5.70 - 19.00 (incl. 3 interchanges). The approximate duration is 3 months for all packages which will be until end March 2024. This contract will be based on an "as and when" required and will not be a full time monthly contract. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Vea Road Maintenance & Civils (Pty) Ltd invites tenders from experienced EME/QSE subcontractors for the following: Routine Road Maintenance of National Route N4 section 1, N4 Section 11 & 12, N1 Section 21, R21 Section 2 & R104 Sections 1 & 2 & R573 Section 1 on behalf of Vea Road Maintenance & Civils (Pty) Ltd in accordance with the requirements of The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL). This project is in the province of Gauteng and in the Tshwane Municipality. Subcontractors are required for the following subcontracts "as and when" required: Description: Security, - Routes: - R104-01 km 15.6 - 58.0 (incl. 7 interchanges), - R104-02 km 0.0 - 21.2 (incl. 2 interchanges), - R573-01 km 0.00 - 48.6 (incl. 0 interchanges). The approximate duration is 3 months for all packages which will be until end March 2024. This contract will be based on an "as and when" required and will not be a full time monthly contract. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written quotations are hereby invited from professional service providers for the following: Supply and delivery of diesel to Preekstoel and Ellensrust Caravan Parks and Paraffin to Jongensfontein Caravan Park. Specifications: - Paraffin to Jongensfontein Caravan Park - Block: Main ablution x 1500L; - (50 ppm) Diesel to Preekstoel Resort, Still Bay - Block: Main ablution x 1500L; - (50 ppm) Diesel to Ellensrust Caravan Park, Still Bay - Block: Block A, B and D x 5000L. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Vea Road Maintenance & Civils (Pty) Ltd invites tenders from experienced EME/QSE subcontractors for the following: Routine Road Maintenance of National Route N4 section 1, N4 Section 11 & 12, N1 Section 21, R21 Section 2 & R104 Sections 1 & 2 & R573 Section 1 on behalf of Vea Road Maintenance & Civils (Pty) Ltd in accordance with the requirements of The South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL). This project is in the province of Gauteng and in the Tshwane Municipality. Subcontractors are required for the following subcontracts "as and when" required: Description: Security, - Routes: - N1-21 km 6.20 - 33.40 (incl. 10 interchanges), - N4-01 km 8.40 - 20.30 (incl. 5 interchanges), - N4-11 km 10.00 - 19.52 (incl. 2 interchanges), - N4-12 km 0.00 - 11.29 (incl. 1 interchange), - R21-2 km 5.70 - 19.00 (incl. 3 interchanges). The approximate duration is 3 months for all packages which will be until end March 2024. This contract will be based on an "as and when" required and will not be a full time monthly contract. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Repair of Sabzi Mandi Road From Lorry Adda Gol Chakkar to Ring Road Interchange, MCL Ravi Zone Quelle: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL