Pharmaceutical products (№52518)


Nummer: 52518

Land: Bulgaria

Quelle: TED

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  1. Section I
    1. Name and addresses
      УМБАЛ „Царица Йоанна-ИСУЛ“ ЕАД
      ул. „Бяло море“ № 8
      Telephone: +359 29432106
      E-mail: [email protected]
      Fax: +359 29432279
      NUTS code: BG411
    2. Type of the contracting authority:
      Other type: възложител по смисъла на чл. 5, ал. 2, т. 16 от ЗОП
    3. Main activity:
  2. Section II
    1. Scope of the procurement:
      1. Title:

        „Доставка на лекарствени продукти за УМБАЛ „Царица Йоанна-ИСУЛ“ ЕАД“.

      2. Main CPV code:
        33600000, 33610000, 33620000, 33670000, 33660000, 33650000, 33652200, 33662100, 33692000, 33632100, 33616000, 33696800, 33600000, 33692000
      3. Type of contract:
      4. Short description:

        Обхватът на поръчката е доставка на лекарствени продукти за нуждите на УМБАЛ „Царица Йоанна-ИСУЛ“ ЕАД съгласно Техническа спецификация, която се състои от 11 обособени позиции, всяка от които съдържа различен брой номенклатурни единици, посочени в Раздел ІІ.2) на Обявлението. Всеки участник има право да представи оферта за 1, за повече от 1 или за всички обособени позиции. Възложителят предвижда възможност за представяне на оферти за част от номенклатурните единици от всяка обособена позиция.

      5. Information about lots:
        This contract is divided into lots: yes
      6. Total value of the procurement:
        Value excluding VAT: 2 005 896.96 BGN
    2. Description
      1. Title:

        Храносмилателна система и метаболизъм

      2. Additional CPV code(s):
      3. Place of performance:
        NUTS code: BG411
        Main site or place of performance:

        Гр. София-1527, ул. „Бяло море“ № 8, отдел „Болнична аптека“.

      4. Description of the procurement:

        Обособена позиция № 1, включва 20 номенклатурни единици.

      5. Award criteria:
      6. Information about options:
        Options: no
      7. Information about European Union funds:
        The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
      8. Additional information:
      9. Title:

        Сърдечно-съдова система

      10. Additional CPV code(s):
      11. Place of performance:
        NUTS code: BG411
        Main site or place of performance:

        Гр. София-1527, ул. „Бяло море“ № 8, отдел „Болнична аптека“.

      12. Description of the procurement:

        Обособена позиция № 2, включва 71 номенклатурни единици.

      13. Award criteria:
      14. Information about options:
        Options: no
      15. Information about European Union funds:
        The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
      16. Additional information:
      17. Title:

        Дихателна система

      18. Additional CPV code(s):
      19. Place of performance:
        NUTS code: BG411
        Main site or place of performance:

        Гр. София-1527, ул. „Бяло море“ № 8, отдел „Болнична аптека“.

      20. Description of the procurement:

        Обособена позиция № 1, включва 7 номенклатурни единици.

      21. Award criteria:
      22. Information about options:
        Options: no
      23. Information about European Union funds:
        The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
      24. Additional information:
      25. Title:

        Централна и периферна нервна система

      26. Additional CPV code(s):
      27. Place of performance:
        NUTS code: BG411
        Main site or place of performance:

        Гр. София-1527, ул. „Бяло море“ № 8, отдел „Болнична аптека“.

      28. Description of the procurement:

        Обособена позиция № 4, включва 55 номенклатурни единици.

      29. Award criteria:
      30. Information about options:
        Options: no
      31. Information about European Union funds:
        The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
      32. Additional information:
      33. Title:

        Антиинфекциозни средства

      34. Additional CPV code(s):
      35. Place of performance:
        NUTS code: BG411
        Main site or place of performance:

        Гр. София-1527, ул. „Бяло море“ № 8, отдел „Болнична аптека“.

      36. Description of the procurement:

        Обособена позиция № 5, включва 61 номенклатурни единици.

      37. Award criteria:
      38. Information about options:
        Options: no
      39. Information about European Union funds:
        The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
      40. Additional information:
      41. Title:

        Ендокринна система

      42. Additional CPV code(s):
      43. Place of performance:
        NUTS code: BG411
        Main site or place of performance:

        Гр. София-1527, ул. „Бяло море“ № 8, отдел „Болнична аптека“.

      44. Description of the procurement:

        Обособена позиция № 6, включва 31 номенклатурни единици.

      45. Award criteria:
      46. Information about options:
        Options: no
      47. Information about European Union funds:
        The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
      48. Additional information:
      49. Title:


      50. Additional CPV code(s):
      51. Place of performance:
        NUTS code: BG411
        Main site or place of performance:

        Гр. София-1527, ул. „Бяло море“ № 8, отдел „Болнична аптека“.

      52. Description of the procurement:

        Обособена позиция № 7, включва 11 номенклатурни единици.

      53. Award criteria:
      54. Information about options:
        Options: no
      55. Information about European Union funds:
        The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
      56. Additional information:
      57. Title:

        Разтвори за интравенозно приложение и лечебно хранене

      58. Additional CPV code(s):
      59. Place of performance:
        NUTS code: BG411
        Main site or place of performance:

        Гр. София-1527, ул. „Бяло море“ № 8, отдел „Болнична аптека“.

      60. Description of the procurement:

        Обособена позиция № 8, включва 39 номенклатурни единици.

      61. Award criteria:
      62. Information about options:
        Options: no
      63. Information about European Union funds:
        The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
      64. Additional information:
      65. Title:

        Други лекарствени продукти

      66. Additional CPV code(s):
        33632100, 33616000, 33696800
      67. Place of performance:
        NUTS code: BG411
        Main site or place of performance:

        Гр. София-1527, ул. „Бяло море“ № 8, отдел „Болнична аптека“.

      68. Description of the procurement:

        Обособена позиция № 9, включва 24 номенклатурни единици.

      69. Award criteria:
      70. Information about options:
        Options: no
      71. Information about European Union funds:
        The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
      72. Additional information:
      73. Title:

        Лекарствени продукти извън позитивен лекарствен списък

      74. Additional CPV code(s):
      75. Place of performance:
        NUTS code: BG411
        Main site or place of performance:

        Гр. София-1527, ул. „Бяло море“ № 8, отдел „Болнична аптека“.

      76. Description of the procurement:

        Обособена позиция № 10, включва 137 номенклатурни единици.

      77. Award criteria:
      78. Information about options:
        Options: no
      79. Information about European Union funds:
        The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
      80. Additional information:
      81. Title:

        Рецептури извън позитивен лекарствен списък

      82. Additional CPV code(s):
      83. Place of performance:
        NUTS code: BG411
        Main site or place of performance:

        Гр. София-1527, ул. „Бяло море“ № 8, отдел „Болнична аптека“.

      84. Description of the procurement:

        Обособена позиция № 11, включва 19 номенклатурни единици.

      85. Award criteria:
      86. Information about options:
        Options: no
      87. Information about European Union funds:
        The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
      88. Additional information:
  3. Section IV
    1. Description:
      1. Type of procedure:
        Open procedure
      2. Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system:
      3. Information about electronic auction:
      4. Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA):
        The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: no
    2. Administrative information:
      1. Previous publication concerning this procedure:
        Notice number in the OJ S: 2016/S 209-377937
      2. Information about termination of dynamic purchasing system:
      3. Information about termination of call for competition in the form of a prior information notice:
  4. Section V
    1. Contract No: 16
      Lot No: 1

      Доставка на лекарствени продукти за УМБАЛ „Царица Йоанна-ИСУЛ“ ЕАД

    2. Award of contract
      1. Date of conclusion of the contract: 2017-01-20
      2. Information about tenders:
        Number of tenders received: 15
        Number of tenders received from SMEs: 12
        Number of tenders received from tenderers from other EU Member States: 0
        Number of tenders received from tenderers from non-EU Member States: 0
        Number of tenders received by electronic means: 0
        The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: no
      3. Name and address of the contractor:
        „Софарма Трейдинг“АД
        ул. „Лъчезар Станчев“ № 5
        Telephone: +359 28133660
        E-mail: [email protected]
        Fax: +359 28133666
        NUTS code: BG411
        The contractor is an SME: no
      4. Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT):

        Total value of the contract/lot: 852 014.85 BGN
      5. Information about subcontracting:

        Contract No: 17
        Lot No: 2

        Доставка на лекарствени продукти за УМБАЛ „Царица Йоанна-ИСУЛ“ ЕАД

      6. Award of contract
        1. Date of conclusion of the contract: 2017-01-20
        2. Information about tenders:
          Number of tenders received: 15
          Number of tenders received from SMEs: 12
          Number of tenders received from tenderers from other EU Member States: 0
          Number of tenders received from tenderers from non-EU Member States: 0
          Number of tenders received by electronic means: 0
          The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: no
        3. Name and address of the contractor:
          „Медекс“ ООД
          ул. „Самоковско шосе“ № 2Л
          Telephone: +359 29175545
          E-mail: [email protected]
          Fax: +359 29175538
          NUTS code: BG411
          The contractor is an SME: yes
        4. Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT):

          Total value of the contract/lot: 1 129 906.78 BGN
        5. Information about subcontracting:

          Contract No: 18
          Lot No: 4

          Доставка на лекарствени продукти за УМБАЛ „Царица Йоанна-ИСУЛ“ ЕАД

        6. Award of contract
          1. Date of conclusion of the contract: 2017-01-20
          2. Information about tenders:
            Number of tenders received: 15
            Number of tenders received from SMEs: 12
            Number of tenders received from tenderers from other EU Member States: 0
            Number of tenders received from tenderers from non-EU Member States: 0
            Number of tenders received by electronic means: 0
            The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: no
          3. Name and address of the contractor:
            „Екофарм“ ЕООД
            бул. „Черни връх“ № 14
            Telephone: +359 29631596
            E-mail: [email protected]
            Fax: +359 29631561
            NUTS code: BG411
            The contractor is an SME: yes
          4. Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT):

            Total value of the contract/lot: 23 975.33 BGN
          5. Information about subcontracting:

      7. Section VI
        1. Additional information

          Дог. № 16/об. поз. 1 н. ед. 1, 4, 7, 9, 19, 20; об. поз. 2 н. ед. 2, 4, 8, 28, 39, 40, 48, 51, 52, 68; об. поз. 3 н. ед. 1, 4, 6; об. поз. 4 н. ед. 15, 17, 18, 23, 27, 30, 34, 43, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55; об. поз. 5 н. ед. 7, 25, 46, 47, 48, 49, 53, 56; об. поз. 6 н. ед. 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 13, 17, 20; об. поз. 8 н. ед. 21; об. поз. 9 н. ед. 2, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 23 и об. поз. 10 н. ед. 13, 14, 18, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31, 35, 37, 47, 49, 50, 51, 53, 58, 63, 70, 71, 72, 74, 80, 83, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 108, 112, 113, 115, 116, 120, 126, 131, 133, 134;

          дог. № 17/об. поз. 1 н. ед. 10, 11; об. поз. 2 н. ед. 69, 70; об. поз 4 н. ед. 2, 5, 8, 12, 21, 22, 32, 40, 45; об. поз. 5 н. ед. 1, 5, 10, 12, 16, 17, 19, 20, 29, 43, 44, 57, 59; об. поз. 7 н. ед. 1, 2; об. поз. 8 н. ед. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 14, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 36, 37, 39; об. поз. 9 н. ед. 1, 3 и об. поз. 10 н. ед. 22, 23, 55, 82, 84, 128, 137;

          дог. № 18/об. поз. 4 н. ед. 6; об. поз. 5 н. ед. 31 и об. поз. 9 н. ед. 5.

        2. Procedures for review
          1. Review body
            Комисия за защита на конкуренцията
            бул. „Витоша“ № 18
            Telephone: +359 29884070
            E-mail: [email protected]
            Fax: +359 29807315
          2. Body responsible for mediation procedures

          3. Service from which information about the review procedure may be obtained

            Чл. 197 от ЗОП.

        3. Date of dispatch of this notice