Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia" (Georgia CSTMR№1167046): kontakte, adresse, e-mail, Ausschreibungen

Land: Georgia

insgesamt: 235
27 mar
Различное оборудование общего и специального назначения (GE) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Erster Preis des Vertrags: 14 360
Ende der Bewerbung durch: 11 Tage
Kunde: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
Quelle: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
18 mar
Разные изделия и сопутствующие товары (GE) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Erster Preis des Vertrags: 27 000
Ende der Bewerbung durch: 1 Tage
Kunde: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
Quelle: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
01 mar
Обувные изделия (GE) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Erster Preis des Vertrags: 62 745
Kunde: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
Quelle: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
25 feb
Печатные книги, брошюры и листовки (GE) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Erster Preis des Vertrags: 39 520
Kunde: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
Quelle: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
23 feb
Отделочные строительные работы (GE) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Erster Preis des Vertrags: 27 680
Kunde: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
Quelle: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
14 feb
Верхняя одежда (GE) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Erster Preis des Vertrags: 202 898
Kunde: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
Quelle: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
14 feb
Обувные изделия (GE) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Erster Preis des Vertrags: 62 745
Kunde: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
Quelle: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
30 jan
Мебельные аксессуары (GE) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Erster Preis des Vertrags: 6 480
Kunde: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
Quelle: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
29 jan
Текстильные изделия (GE) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Erster Preis des Vertrags: 36 100
Kunde: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
Quelle: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
29 jan
Предметы личной гигиены (GE) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Erster Preis des Vertrags: 83 815
Kunde: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
Quelle: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
27 jan
Верхняя одежда (GE) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Erster Preis des Vertrags: 24 500
Kunde: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
Quelle: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
27 jan
Компьютерное оборудование и принадлежности (GE) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Erster Preis des Vertrags: 110 500
Kunde: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
Quelle: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
22 jan
Продукты для чистки и полировки (GE) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Erster Preis des Vertrags: 41 000
Kunde: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
Quelle: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
21 jan
Мебельные аксессуары (GE) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Erster Preis des Vertrags: 6 480
Kunde: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"
Quelle: Supreme Council of Justice LEPL " Department of the General Courts of Georgia"

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