Sagaredjo Municipality Centre for Chemical and Bacteriological Research of the Drinking Water Quality (Georgia CSTMR№1182929): kontakte, adresse, e-mail, Ausschreibungen

Land: Georgia

insgesamt: 4
29 jan
Услуги по обработке и хранению грузов (GE) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Erster Preis des Vertrags: 30 004
Kunde: Sagaredjo Municipality Centre for Chemical and Bacteriological Research of the Drinking Water Quality
Quelle: Sagaredjo Municipality Centre for Chemical and Bacteriological Research of the Drinking Water Quality
22 aug
Услуги по обработке и хранению грузов (GE) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Erster Preis des Vertrags: 6 800
Kunde: Sagaredjo Municipality Centre for Chemical and Bacteriological Research of the Drinking Water Quality
Quelle: Sagaredjo Municipality Centre for Chemical and Bacteriological Research of the Drinking Water Quality

und andere ... Kunden

Nummer: 1182923

Land: China

Quelle: CCGP

Nummer: 1182925

Land: China

Quelle: CCGP

Nummer: 1182926

Land: China

Quelle: CCGP