EOR to Govt. Boys Senior Secondary School, (School ID 1617015), Amalwas, Jawalapuri, Delhi. (SH-Repair of plaster work in A and B Block and Painting and Distempering in entire building). (Ausschreibung №100758566de)

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Land: India
Sprache: EN
Kunde: eTendering System Government of NCT of Delhi
Nummer: 100758566
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 05-03-2024


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Voller Zugriff
EOR to Govt. Girls Senior Secondary School, (School ID 1617030), Baprola, Delhi. (SH- Plastering, Distempering and Painting Work (Interior and Exterior) in complete School Building). Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India

EOR to Govt. Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya, (School ID-1617222), Shiv Ram Park, Nangloi, Delhi. (SH- Painting, Distempering and Plastering work be carried out in old building). Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India

A R and M O to Tis Hazari Courts complex Delhi dg 2023 24 (SH Providing Services of Computer Operator Carpenter Plumber Enquiry Clerk Sewerman Mason and Beldar at PWD Service Centre Tis Hazari Court, Delhi.) Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India

Restoration of Roads cut by BSES Rajdhani Power Ltd. and MTNL at various locations for rectify the fault cable under the jurisdiction of Sub Division IV of Division South Road-II, PWD, Delhi, during 2023-24. Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India

EOR to Govt. Girls Senior Secondary School No. 2, School ID 1617035, J.J. Colony, Nangloi, New Delhi. SH- Providing pipe grill in A-Block, for increasing the height of parapet wall and repairing of railings in stair of Block-A and construction of 1 Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India

Special repair to West Electrical Division Rama Road, New Delhi and Electrical Sub Division at Rama road during 2023-24. SH Re-construction of toilet block (ground and first floor), addition of JEs Room, internal finishing work, false ceiling and Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India