Supply of Fish Feed-Pellet Sinking to the different Sub Divisions of the State of Tripura for implementation of different pisciculture development scheme during 2024-25 (Ausschreibung №106794551de)

Land: India
Sprache: EN
Kunde: eProcurement System of Government of Tripura
Nummer: 106794551
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 01-07-2024


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UWS Scheme 2024-25/SH-Extension, Remodelling of Pipeline and Providing domestic Connection including all allied within the area of Dharmanagar Municipal Council area at Netaji Road, Nutonpatty, Sukanta Sarani, Ashit sarani etc Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India

WS Scheme at Colony Para of Sanicherra GP in of JJM 2020-21/Const. of 140000 Gallon/day Capacity Surface Water Supply Scheme based on Pratyekroy cherra stream at Colony Para /SH- Providing, laying distribution pipeline FHTC and allied works/Gr.-IV Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India

WS Scheme at Colony Para of Sanicherra GP in of JJM 2020-21/Const. of 140000 Gallon/day Capacity Surface Water Supply Scheme based on Pratyekroy cherra stream at Colony Para /SH- Providing, laying distribution pipeline FHTC and allied works/Gr.-V Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India

WS Scheme at Colony Para of Sanicherra GP in of JJM 2020-21/Const. of 140000 Gallon/day Capacity Surface Water Supply Scheme based on Pratyekroy cherra stream at Colony Para /SH- Providing, laying distribution pipeline FHTC and allied works/Gr.-VI Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India

UWS Scheme 2024-25/SH-Extension, Remodelling of Pipeline and Providing domestic Connection including all allied within the area of Dharmanagar Municipal Council area at Mandoppara, Deshabondu road, KC Nath lane, Jail road etc Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India

Construction of 2(Two) unit ACR and 1 (One) unit Computer Lab in respect of Moharchara H.S School, Teliamura Block under PM SHRI Scheme under Khowai District Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India