Internal, External Finishing and other misc civil works at GGSSS No 03 Roop Nagar Delhi under Sub Division 3231N at 16 Rajpur Road Delhi during 2023 24 (Ausschreibung №96681119de)

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Land: India
Sprache: EN
Kunde: eTendering System Government of NCT of Delhi
Nummer: 96681119
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 21-12-2023


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Voller Zugriff
WS scheme at different location under JJM/ SH-Providing and installation of 215 Nos. hoarding cum display board of JJM of size 8 ft. x 6 ft. (2.40 m x 1.80 m) at varrious schemes under Panisagar R.D. Block of DWS Sub-Division, Panisagar 2023-24 Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India

Running and Mtc. of JJM/RWS Scheme/ Repairing and Mtc. of existing C.I, D.I and UPVC pipe line leakages, block washing, sluice valve etc. in/c some other allied works within the jurisdiction of Nalchar RD Block Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India

WS scheme at different location under JJM/ SH-Providing and installation of 215 Nos. hoarding cum display board of JJM of size 8 ft. x 6 ft. (2.40 m x 1.80 m) at varrious schemes under Jubarajnagar R.D. Block of DWS Sub-Division, Panisagar 2023-24 Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India

WS scheme at different location under JJM/ SH-Providing and installation of 215 Nos. hoarding cum display board of JJM of size 8 ft. x 6 ft. (2.40 m x 1.80 m) at varrious schemes of DWS Sub-Division, Dharmanagar during the year 2023-24 Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India

WS scheme at different location under JJM/ SH-Providing and installation of 215 Nos. hoarding cum display board of JJM of size 8 ft. x 6 ft. (2.40 m x 1.80 m) at varrious schemes of DWS Sub-Division, Panisagar during the year 2023-24 Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India

EOR work at GSKV Vijay Nagar, Delhi 110009 SH Repairing Maintenance work in old building of the school and other misc works. Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India