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Land: India
Sprache: EN
Kunde: eProcurement System Government of Rajasthan
Nummer: 98780656
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 31-01-2024


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Voller Zugriff
Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Design, supply, install and commission control panels for jetty fire pumps at SFF Saldanha. Scope: Design, supply, deliver, commission control panel for the Jetty fire pumps, DB Board, control panel for 2 compressors, two 110vdc and 24vdc battery charger: - Location: Saldanha Jetty & Saldanha Terminal; - Supply wiring diagram; - Components used to comply with Electrical standards; - Supply COC; - Indication signal to the SCADA system. - Wired to terminals; - Comply with IEC 61439; - Weatherproof. Please confirm the contract number as two were published. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

The U.S. Consulate General Cape Town in South Africa (State Dept) is soliciting offers for Provision of Groundskeeping/Landscaping of the New Office Building (NOB) at the U.S. Consulate in Cape Town. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of courier services for a period of two years. Scope of work: The required courier services will include, but not limited to, the following: - Same day services; - Weekend services; - After-hours services; - Public Holiday services; - Intra City services; - Overnight express by 10h30; - Remote area/Regional services; - Budget (Road Freight) services; - Special delivery services which cover requirements over and above the standard services; - Appointed Service Provider will be expected to assist with the collection, delivery/distribution of parcels/letters, exhibition equipment, documents on a daily, weekly or month basis to different stakeholders, institutions, and individuals in and around South Africa. Recommended and appointed service provider will be appointed for a period of two years commencing in July 2024. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of training for municipal management programme for 5 interns. Scope: • Municipal finance management programme for 5 interns; • Accredited service provider; • SAQA Id: 48965. Department: Budget & Treasury. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Printing of A5 full colour service delivery booklet. Qty: 10 000 copies. Specifications: Printing of a full colour service delivery booklet: - Standard size: A5; - Materials: 100gsm simill; - Print size: 2 sides; - Print colour: CMYK; - Binding type: Stapler bind & perfect bind; - Pages: 20 pages; - Additional finishing: Matt lamination + pot UV. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of training for internal auditors CPD and quality review on SCM processes. Scope: Supply Chain Management for the Municipal Internal Auditors. Purpose: The purpose is to provide an in-depth overview of the MFMA supply chain management environment. To develop the Municipal Internal Auditors to understand and review/audit the principles and processes of Supply Chain Management, as prescribed by the MFMA and key National Treasury instruction notes. Target Group: Junior, Middle and Senior managers that operate in a supply chain management environment in the Municipality. Minimum Requirements for Enrolment: • A Further Education and Training Certificate or equivalent qualification; • Be working in or reviewing the supply chain environment; • Basic Internet skills and; • Basic Internet skills. Learning outcomes: • Understand and apply the relevant legislation that governs Supply Chain Management with the Public Sector; • Identify, apply and/or review the principles of Supply Chain Management within the Public Sector; • Understand the functions of the various elements of Supply Chain Management and to apply and/or review these functions effectively; • Secure and manage supplier contracts. Accreditation: Successful provider should provide CPD hours in line with the IIASA CPD rules. Department: Budget & Treasury. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS