Accords-cadres de fourniture de matériels et de consommables quant aux interventions et missions d’incendie et de secours du CGDIS (Ausschreibung №86605328de)

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Land: Luxembourg
Sprache: LU
Nummer: 86605328
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 29-06-2023


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Voller Zugriff
Consultancy firm to revamp the GMES & Africa Web-Geoportal Quelle: SA-Tenders

Appointment of a marketing and strategic communications manager for an eight (8) month period ending 31 March 2024 subject to a one month termination notice Quelle: SA-Tenders

The State Diamond Trader intends to appoint a service provider to procure a tamper evident seal bags from suppliers that are based in South Africa. Scope of work: 1.1 Design & Layout - Tamper evident seal bags are an important security feature for ensuring effective and efficient movement for rough production during transit. As per the Purchasing procedure it is stated that: “The Purchasing officer will seal the selection in a uniquely numbered, tamper evident bag. The selection will remain sealed until the conclusion of the process.”; 1.2 Tamper evident seal bags benefits The service provider would be expected to: - Procure tamper evident seal bags for security; - Tamper evident bag is designed to be easy to open but features a seal or wrap that is difficult to replace once it"s been opened. It’s a security application that protects products and consumers against tampering, fraud, theft, product switching and counterfeiting. The seal cannot be removed and reapplied without leaving visible evidence of entry; 1.3 Tamper evident seal bags Technical Specification: • The seal bag will be number coded and will provide visible confirmation if (and only if) the bag is opened or improperly accessed; • A leak and water-proof plastic bag with a strong adhesive seal; • Dimensions: L: 38 cm, B:36 cm; • Material: Durable polythene plastic; • Quantity: 500; 2. Project output and/outcomes: The service provider will be expected to deliver to the SDT - Tamper evident seal bags; 3. Roles And Responsibilities SDT: The SDT will be responsible for supplying the service provider with the following: - The required specifications for the Tamper evident seal bags; - Sample photographs of the Tamper evident seal bags to be provided. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Aapplications are hereby invited for the following: Non-profit Organisations (NPOs) providing: - Community social mobilization and HIV testing services; - Hospice Care. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Service for Laboratory Equipment. Scope: - Repair and service of Laminar flow, - Service of Almore autoclave, - Service of freeze dryer, - Calibration of pipettes, - Service of centrifuges, - Service of soil pasteuriser. Address: ARC-PHP, off Adam Tas road (Behind Distell), Vredenburg farm/campus, Stellenbosch, Banhoek, 7600. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Construction of Metalled Road Quelle: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL