Pharmaceutical products (№6287314)

09 feb

Nummer: 6287314

Land: Poland

Quelle: TED

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  1. Section I. Contracting authority
    1. Name, addresses and contact point(s)
      Wojewódzki Szpital Psychiatryczny im. prof. Tadeusza Bilikiewicza w Gdańsku
      ul. Srebrniki 17
      Contact point(s): 80-282
      For the attention of: Sylwia Barszczewska-Adrian
      Telephone: +48 585247518
      E-mail: [email protected]
      Fax: +48 585247520
      Internet address(es):
      General address:

    2. Type of the contracting authority

      Other: Samodzielny publiczny zakład opieki zdrowotnej
    3. Main activity
    4. Contract award on behalf of other contracting authorities
      The contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities: no
  2. Section II. Object of the contract
    1. Description
      1. Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority

        Adm.11/2017 Dostawa leków

      2. Type of contract and location of works, place of delivery or of performance
      3. Information about a public contract, a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)
      4. Short description of the contract or purchase(s)

        Przedmiotem zamówienia jest sukcesywna dostawa leków dopuszczonych do obrotu na terenie RP, posiadających aktualne Świadectwa Rejestracji, w ilości i asortymencie określonym w Formularzu cenowym niniejszej specyfikacji (Załącznik nr 2 do SIWZ), posiadających termin ważności nie krótszy niż 6 miesięcy,licząc od daty dostarczenia do Zamawiającego.

        2. Leki będące przedmiotem niniejszego zamówienia posiadają ustalone standardy jakościowe. Standardy te zostały ustalone dla każdego leku podczas jego rejestracji i są takie same w ramach substancji chemicznych wchodzących w ich skład. Leki, do ich stosowania nie wymagają żadnych wyróżniających ich elementów w ramach pojedynczych substancji. Ponadto każdy lek będący przedmiotem obrotu na terenie RP musi być zarejestrowany w Urzędzie Rejestracji Produktów Leczniczych, Wyrobów Medycznych i Produktów Biobójczych.Zamawiający zażąda od wybranego Wykonawcy przy pierwszej dostawie charakterystyki produktów leczniczych określonych w Formularzu cenowym (preferowana forma – nośnik CD). Formularz cenowy wybranej oferty będzie stanowił załącznik do umowy.

        3. Szczegółowy opis przedmiotu zamówienia określono w Formularzu cenowym, który stanowi Załącznik nr 2 do SIWZ.

        4. Wykonawca zobowiązany jest zrealizować zamówienie na zasadach i warunkach opisanych we wzorzeumowy stanowiącym Załącznik nr 3 do SIWZ.

        5. Wspólny Słownik Zamówień CPV: 33600000-6 – Produkty farmaceutyczne.

        6. Zamawiający dopuszcza składanie ofert równoważnych – odpowiedników lub zamienników danej pozycji

        Formularza cenowego, pod warunkiem zagwarantowania tych samych właściwości.

        7. Zamawiający podzielił przedmiot zamówienia na 34 części (pakiety) i dopuszcza możliwości składania ofert częściowych, jednakże na całość pakietu. W poszczególnych pakietach musi być wyceniony pełen asortyment w ilościach podanych przez Zamawiającego. Zamawiający wyraża zgodę na złożenie oferty z inną liczbą sztuk w opakowaniu niż określono w SIWZ przy zastosowaniu przeliczenia opakowań do 2 miejsc po przecinku poza wyjątkami wskazanymi w Formularzu cenowym, stanowiącym Załącznik nr 2 do SIWZ.

        Wykonawca może złożyć ofertę na dowolną ilość pakietów.

      5. Common procurement vocabulary (CPV):
      6. Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA):
        The contract is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): no
    2. Total final value of contract(s):
      1. Total final value of contract(s):
        Value: 2 121 369.27 PLN
        Including VAT
  3. Section IV. Procedure
    1. Type of procedure
      1. Type of procedure
    2. Award criteria
      1. Award criteria
        Lowest price
      2. Information about electronic auction
        An electronic auction will be used: no
    3. Administrative information
      1. File reference number attributed by the contracting authority

        Adm. 11/2017

      2. Previous publication(s) concerning the same contract
        Contract notice
        Notice number in the OJEU: 2017/S 209-434968 of 31.10.2017
  4. Section V. Award of contract
      Contract No: 1 Lot No: 1 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 1

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Farmacol - Logistyka Sp. z o.o.
      ul. Rzepakowa 2
      Contact point(s): 40-541
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 9 141.66 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 6 802.05 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 2 Lot No: 2 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 2

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Farmacol - Logistyka Sp. z o.o.
      ul. Rzepakowa 2
      Contact point(s): 40-541
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 20 604.46 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 20 246.44 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 3 Lot No: 3 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 3

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum: Farmada Transport Sp. z o.o. Neuca Logistyka Sp. z o.o. Neuca S.A.
      ul. Szosa Bydgoska 68
      Contact point(s): 87-100
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 12 326.47 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 10 248.85 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 4 Lot No: 4 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 4

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum: PGF Urtica Sp z o.o.ul. Krzemieniecka 120, 54-613 Wrocław, PGF Hurt Sp. z o.o., ul. Zbąszyńska 3, 91-342 Łódź
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 20 739.89 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 6 508.52 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 5 Lot No: 5 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 5

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum: PGF Urtica Sp z o.o., ul. Krzemieniecka 120, 54-613 Wrocław, PGF Hurt Sp. z o.o., ul. Zbąszyńska 3, 91-342 Łódź
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 4 497.77 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 3 628.69 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 6 Lot No: 6 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 6

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Farmacol Logistyka Sp. z o.o.
      ul. Rzepakowa 2
      Contact point(s): 40-541
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 56 294.57 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 48 284.75 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 7 Lot No: 7 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 7

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Farmacol Logistyka Sp. z o.o.
      ul. Rzepakowa 2
      Contact point(s): 40-541
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 59 414.78 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 50 512.02 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 8 Lot No: 8 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 8

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum: PGF Urtica Sp z o.o., ul. Krzemieniecka 120, 54-613 Wrocław, PGF Hurt Sp. z o.o., ul. Zbąszyńska 3, 91-342 Łódź
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 55 363.07 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 26 883.29 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 9 Lot No: 9 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 9

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Farmacol-Logistyka Sp. z o.o.
      ul. Rzepakowa 2
      Contact point(s): 40-541
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 110 954.45 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 98 166.82 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 10 Lot No: 10 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 10

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowo-Usługowe Limarco Lidia Zajkowska
      ul. Przemysłowa 8
      Contact point(s): 11-700
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 44 027.28 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 40 024.80 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 11 Lot No: 11 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 11

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Farmacol - Logistyka Sp. z o.o.
      ul. Rzepakowa 2
      Contact point(s): 40-541
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 10 584.00 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 6 728.40 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 12 Lot No: 12 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 12

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Farmacol - Logistyka Sp. z o.o.
      ul. Rzepakowa 2
      Contact point(s): 40-541
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 196 662.17 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 191 600.10 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 13 Lot No: 13 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 13

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Salus International Sp. z o.o.
      ul. Pułaskiego 9
      Contact point(s): 40-273
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 10 048.32 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 9 720.00 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 14 Lot No: 14 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 14

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum: PGF Urtica Sp z o.o., ul. Krzemieniecka 120, 54-613 Wrocław, PGF Hurt Sp. z o.o., ul. Zbąszyńska 3, 91-342 Łódź
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 39 560.29 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 34 801.82 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 15 Lot No: 15 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 15

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum: PGF Urtica Sp z o.o., ul. Krzemieniecka 120, 54-613 Wrocław, PGF Hurt Sp. z o.o., ul. Zbąszyńska 3, 91-342 Łódź
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 6 093.95 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 5 877.72 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 16 Lot No: 16 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 16

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Farmacol Logistyka Sp. z o.o.
      ul. Rzepakowa 2
      Contact point(s): 40-541
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 25 070.47 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 24 350.11 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 17 Lot No: 17 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 17

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Farmacol Logistyka Sp. z o.o.
      ul. Rzepakowa 2
      Contact point(s): 40-541
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 83 074.79 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 57 629.67 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 18 Lot No: 18 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 18

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Sanofi-Aventis Sp. z o.o.
      ul. Bonifraterska 17
      Contact point(s): 00-203
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 71 065.12 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 26 116.84 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 19 Lot No: 19 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 19

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 2
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Egis Polska Dystrybucja Sp. z o.o.
      ul. 17 Stycznia 45 D
      Contact point(s): 02-146
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 68 482.80 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 65 493.36 PLN
      Including VAT
      If annual or monthly value
      Number of years: 1
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 20 Lot No: 20 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 20

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Farmacol Logistyka Sp. z o.o.
      ul. Rzepakowa 2
      Contact point(s): 40-541
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 269 011.26 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 238 639.83 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 21 Lot No: 21 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 21

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 6
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Asclepios S.A.
      ul. Hubska 44
      Contact point(s): 50-502
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 19 425.96 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 9 926.28 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 22 Lot No: 22 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 22

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 2
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Salus International Sp. z o.o.
      ul. Pułaskiego 9
      Contact point(s): 40-273
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 42 638.40 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 60 296.40 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 23 Lot No: 23 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 23

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Janssen-Cilag Polska Sp. z o.o.
      ul. Iłżecka 24
      Contact point(s): 02-135
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 27 675.54 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 26 868.24 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 24 Lot No: 24 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 24

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum: PGF Urtica Sp z o.o., ul. Krzemieniecka 120, 54-613 Wrocław, PGF Hurt Sp. z o.o., ul. Zbąszyńska 3, 91-342 Łódź
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 98 908.48 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 94 136.07 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 25 Lot No: 25 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 25

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 2
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Lek SA
      ul. Podlipie 16
      Contact point(s): 95-010
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 116 684.93 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 52 744.50 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 26 Lot No: 26 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 26

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 1
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum: PGF Urtica Sp z o.o., ul. Krzemieniecka 120, 54-613 Wrocław, PGF Hurt Sp. z o.o., ul. Zbąszyńska 3, 91-342 Łódź
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 15 399.72 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 10 584.00 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 27 Lot No: 27 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 27

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Farmacol Logistyka Sp. z o.o.
      ul. Rzepakowa 2
      Contact point(s): 40-541
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 52 306.17 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 44 524.88 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 28 Lot No: 28 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 28

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum: Anfarm Przedsiębiorstwo Farmaceutyczne SA, ul.Annopol 6B, 03-236 Warszawa, Servier Polska Services Sp. z o.o. ul. Jana Kazimierza 10, 01-248 Warszawa
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 8 812.80 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 1 598.40 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 29 Lot No: 29 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 29

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 4
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Salus International Sp.z o.o.
      ul. Pułaskiego 9
      Contact point(s): 40-273
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 77 018.04 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 23 795.64 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 30 Lot No: 30 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 30

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 2
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum: PGF Urtica Sp z o.o., ul. Krzemieniecka 120, 54-613 Wrocław, PGF Hurt Sp. z o.o., ul. Zbąszyńska 3, 91-342 Łódź
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 5 825.95 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 4 097.15 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 31 Lot No: 32 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 32

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Konsorcjum: PGF Urtica Sp z o.o., ul. Krzemieniecka 120, 54-613 Wrocław, PGF Hurt Sp. z o.o., ul. Zbąszyńska 3, 91-342 Łódź
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 51 166.08 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 27 730.08 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 32 Lot No: 33 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 33

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 3
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Asclepios S.A.
      ul. Hubska 44
      Contact point(s): 50-502
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 1 661 533.30 PLN
      Including VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 681 686.46 PLN
      Including VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

      Contract No: 33 Lot No: 34 - Lot title:

      Pakiet 34

      1. Date of contract award decision
      2. Information about offers:
      Number of offers received: 2
      3. Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken:
      Medan Sp. J. W. Pawlak i s-ka
      ul. F. Blumwego 21
      Contact point(s): 85-862
      4. Information on value of contract:
      Initial estimated total value of the contract
      Value: 114 853.60 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      Total final value of the contract
      Value: 103 077.60 PLN
      Excluding VAT
      5. Information about subcontracting
      The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

  5. Section VI. Complementary information
    1. Information about European Union funds
      The contract is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
    2. Additional information
    3. Procedures for appeal
      1. Body responsible for appeal procedures
        Prezes Krajowej Izby Odwoławczej
        Ul. Postępu 17a
        Contact point(s): 02-676
      2. Lodging of appeals
      3. Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained
        Krajowa Izba Odwoławcza
        ul. Postępu 17a
        Contact point(s): 02-676
    4. Date of dispatch of this notice