iPhone 11 and 12 (Ausschreibung №107838324de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 107838324
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 21-07-2024


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Custom Good Quality Plastic bags clothing EVA zipper packing bag frosted zip bag plastic for Garments Quelle: alibaba.com

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disposable paper cups for hot drinks Quelle: alibaba.com

Upgradation of Infra structure for ENT Extension Block at SMHS, Hospital, Srinagar by way of Design, SITC of Modular Operation Theatres Along With MGPS and HVAC system and CMC for one year of MOTs post one year warranty period for ENT Extensionblock Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India

25--SIDEWALL,COMM TRAIL Quelle: Federal Business Opportunities

The National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT) hereby invites interested service providers to submit proposals for the following services: • Collaborate with subject matter experts (VVOB) on course design, development, and delivery of E-Content which is seamless to the current Learning Management Systems (LMS); • Creation of e-learning course by translating it from English to Xitsonga and Tshivenda; • Develop 2 video material to translate text into visuals; • Where possible, replace text with unanimated figures to drive a point home; • Upload material on the existing LSM platform to ensure integrations; • Upload the subtitles to be to ensure a wider access of the content; • Train all beneficiaries on how to navigate the devices (tablets) to access content; • Propose and implement appropriate techniques to adapt in-person materials to a virtual learning environment; • Edit videos taken during the in-person course for use in the virtual course (videography will be done by the audio/visual support team for the in-person course). Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS