Bids are hereby invited for the following: Provision of Research study on gambling prevalence and problem gambling incidence in relation to gambling opportunities licensed by the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board. Scope of the Research: (a) This provincial study will illustrate the extent and impact of the saturation of gambling modes in the Western Cape, including the prevalence of problem gambling and its correlation to licensing opportunities issued by the Board. It will also illustrate the economic impact that various forms of gambling have on the inhabitants of the Western Cape; (b) The study will probe, amongst others: (i) Assess the prevalence of problem gambling per age group, gambling mode, district and local municipality, education levels, income, and comorbid conditions of the Western Cape population; (ii) Patron and other stakeholders’ propensity to use responsible gambling tools and self exclusions processes to manage their gambling activities and spend and whether/ how this has impacted responsible gambling; (iii) Determine the areas of growth or saturation in the different gambling opportunities licensed by the Board; (iv) Determine the socio-economic impact of the different gambling offerings licensed by the Board; (v) The profile of the gambling population for the different licensed gambling modes;(vi) Through data modelling, use a mechanism to exclude lottery and illegal gambling from the problem gambling statistics. It is also important that only license holders licensed in the Western Cape by the Board is included for purposes of the Study; (c) The study will cover the five regions identified during the LPM and casino roll-out in the province, viz: (i) Cape Metropole; (ii) Breede River; (iii) The Overberg; (iv) The Southern Cape and; (v) The West Coast; (d) The research shall comprise qualitative and quantitative research approaches; (e) The research must be completed, from inception until issuance of the final report, within eighteen (18) months; (f) The Service Provider is expected to sign a service-level agreement for the duration of the project. Please confirm the contract number as two were published. (Ausschreibung №89555444de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 89555444
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 21-08-2023


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