Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply, delivery & installation of one (01) park home at King William’s Town Botanical Gardens Depot. (Ausschreibung №89555456de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 89555456
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 21-08-2023


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Voller Zugriff
Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of security services for a period of 120 days to BCMM, Solid Waste in Kayser’s Beach Garden Transfer Station. Specifications: - The duties shall in general entail the patrolling of premises, access control, control of movement of assets, protection from and or to buildings and general crime prevention measures as agreed upon. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of security services for a period of 120 days to BCMM, Solid Waste in Kidd’s Beach Garden Transfer Station. Specifications: - The duties shall in general entail the patrolling of premises, access control, control of movement of assets, protection from and or to buildings and general crime prevention measures as agreed upon. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Refuse transport services Quelle: TED

Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of production inputs for vegetable farmers. Specifications: - Wheelbarrow x 30; - Rake x 30; - Spade x 30; - Fork spade x 30; - Watering cans x 30; - Cypermethrin 1L x 10; - Cutworm bait 1L x 10; - Knapsack sprayer 5L x 10; - Hand hoe x 10; - Hoe x 10; - LAN 5kg x 15; - 2:3:4 (30) Fertilizer 5kg x 15; - Potatoes seeds 10kg x 20; - Cabbage x 40; - Spinach x 40; - Beetroot x 40; - Onion x 40; - Lettuce x 40; - Turnips x 40; - Carrots seeds x 40; - Peppers x 40; - Cauliflower x 40; - Broccoli x 40. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply, delivery and offloading of production inputs for poultry farmers. Specifications: - Day old broiler chicks x 500 - Broiler feed phase 1 (50kg) x 45 - Broiler feed phase 2 (50kg) x 50 - Broiler feed phase 3 (50kg) x 45 - Growing mash for layers 50kg x 45; - Laying mash 50kg x 45; - Drinkers 4L x 30; - Feeders 15kg x 10; - Stress pack 100g x 10; - Doxy-max 100g x 10; - Yellow maize 40kg x 15. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of tools & equipment to BCMM Stores Chiselhurst, East London. Specifications: - Pick heads, chisel and diamond point 3,175kg x 50; - Rolux Rake, green lawn, fan type x 300; - Batteries, R20PP x 200; - Batteries, penlight, 1.5v 6PP x 200; - Batteries, AAA LR03 x 200; - Door Locks, 2 quality lever stainless steel (SABS approved) x 50; - Door Locks, 2 lever stainless steel (SABS approved) x 50; - Lasher Rake, garden, steel x 100; - Padlocks, 38 mm stainless steel x 100; - Padlocks, 38 mm stainless steel x 100; - Mops complete long fibre x 100; - Spades, garden, all steel (SABS approved) x 100; - Broom, heads, imitation bass nylon x 100; - Broom, heads, soft hair 300mm x 100; - Complete toilet brush x 100; - Brush steel wire hand 150mm x 30; - Rags cleaning in 5kg bundles x 50; - Shovels, round nose, No.4 steel x 50; - Slashers, 300mm c/w 900mm handle x 50. Quelle: ONLINE TENDERS