BVi Consulting Engineers Western Cape (Pty) Ltd, as the Professional Engineering Service Provider appointed by the South African National Roads Agency SOC Ltd (SANRAL), hereby invites experienced entities with professional staff, who operate within the Chris Hani District Municipality area, to apply for the contracted position of Social Facilitator for the provision of Social Facilitation services during the design and construction stages of the following: Consulting engineering services for the upgrade on national route R410 section 1 (KM 0.0 to KM 37.74) to section 2 (KM 0.0 to KM 3.0) from the R392/R410 T-junction to Lady Frere. The intention of the appointment of the Social Facilitator is primarily to provide social facilitation services during the design and construction stages. They must ensure sharing of project information with all interested and affected groups and the engagement of local communities, traditional authorities and government departments on this national road upgrade project within the Enoch Mgijima and Emalahleni Local Municipalities located in the Chris Hani District Municipality area. They shall identify community needs pertaining to the project and manage stakeholder expectations. They must be familiar with the local social dynamics, language, and culture. Excellent communication and people skills would be beneficial. The major aspects of the project include increasing the road capacity, including widening the existing cross section, improve the road alignments and current design speed, widen existing structures, improve existing drainage, pedestrian facilities and provision for non-motorised transport. All works will be constructed to SANRAL’s standards. (Ausschreibung №90841831de)

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Land: South Africa
Sprache: EN
Nummer: 90841831
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 12-09-2023


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