Lieferung und Wartung von Software: ausschreibungen, öffentliche beschaffung 2025. Pagina № 6

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15 nov
Addendum: Extension of Closing Date: Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd (hereinafter “Eskom”) invites you to submit a tender for the following: Maintenance of gas monitoring system servicing the oil, coal, water and microbiology laboratories in Research, Testing & Development for a period of five (5) years. Scope of work: Maintenance of the currently installed gas monitoring system in the Oil, Coal, Water and Microbiology Laboratories is required for a period of five years. The gas monitoring system includes the following hardware components: • 2 x 3G Smartoo V4 GSM Modems; • 4 x 4 Smartoo expansions units; • Control panel with alarms; • Electrical enclosure; • 24V DC power supply and battery pack; • Oxygen gas detectors; • Pressure sensors (0-250 bar). The software used is the custom scripted Tru Talk V5 04 and the system can be monitored remotely via the Kronos Monitoring. The maintenance of the gas monitoring system must include: • Inspections/checks as and when required; • Calibration as and when required; • Replacement as and when required. The currently installed gas monitoring system measures and monitors the oxygen levels in the laboratories and the pressure of multiple gases required to operate laboratory instruments. The oxygen levels are monitored by measuring the active signal (4-20 mA) from the oxygen gas detector. In the case of oxygen depletion, the control panel then raises an alarm; as well as an indicator light on the control panel as a warning. (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen

Nummer: 94287665

Land: South Africa


15 nov

Nummer: 94292612

Land: India

Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India

15 nov

Nummer: 94292632

Land: South Africa


11 nov
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: A service provider to supply network and server administrator and ICT security officer/administrator. Specifications: A service provider is required for the provisioning of the services as described hereunder, by providing dedicated staffing resources to Robben Island Museum (hereinafter referred to as ‘RIM’) for a period of 6 months (uninterrupted). The service will need to be rendered on-site at RIM’s offices (includes attending meetings off-site) as remote assistance will not be accepted. Services/duties required for the network and server administrator: • Manage relationships with external Service Providers; • Review and develop new ICT policies. Ensure that policies are relevant and adjusted for changes in business environment and legislature; • Advanced LAN/WAN Support as well as Server Administration and Maintenance; • Plan, co-ordinate, install, configure, support, and manage all Windows and Linux Systems and Servers; • Implement policies on Active Directory; • Maintain the Active Directory and ensure proper account management; • Maintain Microsoft Exchange and ensure availability of emails through all various channels and devices; • Maintenance of systems uptime and report thereon; • Liaise with the appointed Service Provider on network connectivity issues; • Identify and resolve (hardware and software) technical problems and malfunctions related to Windows Operating Systems; • Infrastructure planning and systems provisioning in a Windows environment; • Develop and implement policies and procedures for Windows administration; • Monitor and control infrastructure performance; • Ensure the configuration and documentation of installed network devices; • Facilitate the installation of network and access points; • Develop and maintain a Network diagram for the entire RIM environment; • Manage the Virtual LAN and allocation of IP Addresses across the network; • Allocate/ delegate work; • Train and develop junior IT Technicians and Interns; • Monitor outstanding or pending calls; • Address user complaints and call escalations. Services/duties required for an ICT security officer/administrator: Backup and Restore: • Servers and desktops/laptops must be backed up daily and the status of the backups must be captured in a daily operation report; • Backup and Restore procedures; • A restore plan must be prepared and approved; • Once a month the incumbent must perform a restore of the backup; • To engage and involve the user department(s) for their participation and sign off to confirm that a restore was done successfully; • Backup and Restore reports must be submitted on Monthly basis. Patch management: • To ensure that systems running on servers, desktop/laptops must run on the latest software; • Must review and approve Patch management procedures; • Must be able to install and assist in tracking and helping with the installation of patches and/or updates using the patch management software; • To prepare and submit Patch management reports on monthly basis. Antivirus Management: • To ensure that servers and desktop/laptops are running on the latest antivirus software; • Must review and approve Antivirus management procedures; • Must use RIM’s Antivirus management systems to monitor and protect RIM environment from malware, phishing, spam, ransomware, etc; • To review the Antivirus dashboard daily and reported to the Senior ICT manager weekly; • To prepare and submit Antivirus management report on monthly basis. Disaster Recovery Planning and Testing: • ICT Continuity Plans must be reviewed, updated, and approved; • To ensure that DR sites established is still operational; • ICT Continuity must be tested at least twice a year; • Status of ICT Continuity must be report to Senior ICT Manager. ICT Security: • ICT Security policy and procedures to be reviewed and approved; • To develop an implementation plan that will be used to track and report on Cyber Security User awareness campaign; • ICT Security awareness/alert messages must be sent to users at least twice a month as part of the awareness campaign; • Vulnerability assessment must be performed quarterly; • To use the Audit improvement plan to resolve audit findings. (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen

Nummer: 94019379

Land: South Africa


09 nov

Nummer: 93936600

Land: South Africa


04 nov

Nummer: 93701054

Land: India

Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India

31 oct

Nummer: 93404231

Quelle: Gebiz

09 oct
Sci-Bono Discovery Centre NPC invites interested prospective service providers, experienced researchers, independent contractors, experts, and consultations for prequalification to submit applications to be registered in the supplier database used during the procurement of goods and services for 2023/2024: Categories: - Advertising Agencies, - Audio Visual Solutions, - Building Maintenance, - Catering, - Car Rental, - Committee of Formal Inquiry Assessors, - Computer Hardware, - Peripherals and Software Supply, - Copywriting, - Corporate T-shirts, - Data Centre and Server Management, - Data Communication Networks, - Design, publishing and mailing, Digital Advertising, Editing and Proofreading, - Electrical services, - E-publications and Newsletters (Design and Publishing), - Event Video Production / Photography, - Furniture and Equipment, - Gifts and Branding, - Graphic Design, - IT Professional Consultants, - IT Software / Application Development, - Job Evaluation, - Khoi-San Language Translation Services, Language Services (Translation and Sworn -Translation), - Managed Multi-Purpose Printers, - Media Monitoring, - Multimedia Production Services, - Occupational Health Safety and Industrial Relations Advisory Services, - Plumbing Services, - Professional and Consulting Services (Legal and Education), - PBX and Telephony Services, - Recording and Transcription Services, - Shuttle Service, - Skills Training, - Standby Power Supply (UPS & Generators), - Stationery, - Travel Agencies, - Voice Artists and Web Hosting, - Accommodation. Please confirm the closing date. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen

Nummer: 91995544

Land: South Africa


05 oct

Nummer: 91588733

Land: India

Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India