Zäune und Zäune: ausschreibungen, öffentliche beschaffung 2025. Pagina № 2

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insgesamt: 227
06 oct

Nummer: 111851168

Land: Italy

Quelle: RFQ

26 aug
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of cleaning, gardening and hygiene services at various buildings in Koedoespoort, Watloo, Pyramid-South, Rosslyn, Capital Park, Hercules, Millhouse TransTel, Pretoria West, Pretoria North and Pretoria Nzasm Clinic for a period of three (3) months. Scope: The extent of the cleaning and grass cutting services to be provided includes: - Cleaning offices, toilets, bathrooms, stoops, parking, and other areas; - Deep cleaning services; - Sanitary waste services (disposal certificate to be provided for each disposal); - Sorting waste, and; - Any other services arising out of or incidental to the above or required of the Service Provider for the proper completion of the service in accordance with the true meaning and intent of the contract. The extent of the gardening and landscaping service to be provided includes, but not limited to: - Maintenance of flower beds; - Maintenance of lawns; - Maintenance of veld-grass surfaces; - Weed control; - Maintenance of trees; and; - Maintenance of shrubs; - Maintenance of grass against the walls, parameters and other fences; - Roads, parking areas and all paved, concrete and tarred surfaces; - Pest control on the plants; - Any other services arising out of or incidental to the above or required of the Contractor for the proper completion of the service in accordance with the true meaning and intent of the contract. Location of Service: Tshwane. Name of Institution: TP. Please note that this quotation was published late. (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen

Nummer: 109786719

Land: South Africa


25 jul
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Boundary and internal fence maintenance services contractor within the iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority for a period of thirty days. Scope of Work: • Perform regular patrols and monitor all the fences on a continuing basis; • Timeously repair, maintain and where necessary replace any part of the fences that are damaged, stolen or broken; • Keep the fences, clear of vegetation by cutting back shrubs, trees and branches, disposing of the cuttings and applying approved herbicides to that area; • Keep fence and surrounding, clear of litter; • Manage access for purposes of natural resources harvesting to the Ozabeni Section of the park; • Regularly report upon the condition of the fences and promptly report any damage to any part of the fence; • Assist with the security of the fences and where required, appoint a third-party services provider thereof; • Order, store and control adequate supplies of all consumables; • Insure the fence for inter alia theft, vandalism, flood damage, fire; • Effect major repairs after obtaining the written authorization of the CEO of iSimangaliso Wetland Park Authority; • Set up control room and stores at suitable location; • Acknowledge that Ezemvelo is a day-to-day conservation manager of the Park; • Abide by the park rules; • The works will be situated at the listed iSimangaliso Wetland Park’s Boundary and Internal Fences; • Dangerous animals occur in the Park, and the service provider is required to provide dangerous-game training for all its Staff. Please note that this quotation was published late (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen

Nummer: 108059805

Land: South Africa