Bei Steuer- und Zugangskontrollsystemen: South Africa ausschreibungen, öffentliche beschaffung 2025

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insgesamt: 38
17 feb
Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to provide a compatible organizational performance management software system, support & maintenance of 36 months. The duration for the provision of the system must not exceed 12 months, followed by a maintenance period not exceeding 36 months. Scope of work: The technical outcome of the Performance Management system are as follows: • 120 licenses; • System must be compatible with all internet applications (Chrome, Firefox, Mozilla, internet explorer, Microsoft Edge); • The system must be accessible both internally and externally; • The system must use Microsoft Active Directory (AD) for authentication to enable users to use their network credentials on the system; • The system must enable the assignment of targets to the relevant managers and reassignment if/when the manager changes; • The system must enable the uploading of the Strategic Plan, APP and Business plan as and when needed; • The system must allow monthly and quarterly reporting on the Annual Performance Plan and Business plan; • The system must enable Managers to check the performance of their respective areas through performance management dashboards; • The system must be role-based enabling relevant managers to have access to their targets only while allowing Executives and administrators to have access to all areas; • The system must allow the administrators to download required data as well as performance reports; • The system will be hosted at the Client using existing Client servers; • The system must have spell check; • The system must allow multiple document attachments during reporting; • The system must allow for a word-count of a minimum 50 words per reporting window (e.g. a minimum of 50 words for each of achievements, deviations, reason for deviation and corrective actions); • The system must enable Administrators to control reporting dates by opening and closing the system for user accessibility; • The system must enable relevant Executives to conduct their own assessments and edit the reported performance as well as sign-off their respective reports for accountability; • The system must enable a Catch-up Plan component that is linked to the not achieved targets and to also allow users to complete activities to improve the poor performance and report progress and upload evidence on the system in the subsequent quarter; • The system must enable users to draw Organization reports and trend analysis data and provide a statistical view of Divisional and organization performance on quarterly and annual basis; • The system must enable reminders and notifications to be sent to all users of their respective deadlines, targets and activities; • The system must enable an audit trail of all activities undertaken by users; • The system must be compliant to Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act. Training: • Provide training to all relevant users including Client staff and stakeholders; • Provide training materials and relevant system documentation. Reporting: • The system must provide statistical and info graphs reports (dashboards) on a quarterly and annual basis against all plans; • The system must enable Client to draw consolidated quarterly and annual reports on all plans; • The system must enable the compiling of reports based on the provided timelines. Maintenance and Support: • Ongoing support for the duration of the contract with any other system updates, enhancement and reporting aligned to organizational requirements as and when required by providing the following support and assistance: Technical support for staff who experience systems challenges; • Technical support will be required during office hours, from Monday to Friday (08:00 – 17:00); • The system provider is required to provide dedicated contact details (email address, telephone number) where users can log ideally written requests for technical support; • System provider to inform users of the system down-time. Meetings: • Service provider to meet with relevant officials from the Client as and when required. (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Ende der Bewerbung durch: 5 Tage

Nummer: 119075164

Land: South Africa


25 oct
Quotations are hereby requested to appoint a Service Provider (SP) for the installation of alarms and render armed response at the Hout Bay Proclaimed Fishing Harbour for a period of (12) months. Scope of works: The scope work includes installation of intruder detection alarm systems, maintenance thereof and provision of an armed response in the Hout Bay Proclaimed Fishing Harbour to secure the tangible and intangible assets of the client: 1. Provision of a 24-hour (24) hour armed response service at the Hout Bay Proclaimed Fishing Harbour, seven (7) days per week including weekends and public holidays, 2. Rendering a security service with duties as authorised officers in terms of the Control of Access to Public Premises and Vehicle Act, 53 of 1985, 3. Respond to intruder alarm system in order to Protect Assets, Resources and Prevent crime from occurring on premises, 4. Recording of incidents or events in an Occurrence Register, Electronically and Report such incident or events to the client personnel responsible for Security Management, 5. Enforcing of the the client"s Security Policy, 6. Ensure compliance with the Department of Labour Bargaining Council Rates, 7. The appointed service provider will adhere to the provisions related to salaries wages and remuneration as envisaged in the provided in the bargaining counsel and the requirements as stipulated in the Labour Relations Act for a 1 x 12-hour shift as per the requirements per district or location. Please confirm the contract number as two were published. (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen

Nummer: 112906435

Land: South Africa


30 jul
Proposals are hereby requested for the following: Provision of database security management solution for a period of five (5) years. Scope: Eskom requires a cloud-based or SaaS Database Security tool for a period of five (5) years. The cloud-based or SaaS Database Security tool must cater for the Eskom hybrid (on-premises, hybrid, and multiple cloud) environments, databases hosted on-prem and the cloud. The cloud-based or SaaS Database Security Management tool must include subscriptions fee, software licenses, onboarding assistance, maintenance, training, and support on an 24X7X365 (24/7/365) throughout the year for the duration of the contract: The Database Security Management tool must have the following capabilities, functionalities and features but not limited to: a) Security Assessment: The Database Security Management tool must provide security posture, risk profile of the entire database, database discovery, data discovery, data classification and security policy, b) Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): The Database Security Management tool must be AI and ML-powered for event collection and analysis, c) Encryption and Key Management: The Database Security Management tool must encrypt data at rest with key management capability, d) Data Masking, Tokenisation and Sub-setting: The Database Security Management tool must be able to scan the entire database for sensitive data, mask, tokenise and subset sensitive data in nonproduction environments, e) Data Access Control: The Database Security Management tool must provide the following: i. Enforce separation of duties to control access based on security privileges, identify sensitive data, ii. Ensure that administrators can manage the database, but not access the sensitive data, f) Auditing and Monitoring: The Database Security Management tool must provide the following: i. Detect, analyse, and block threats in database activity, ii. Comply with the Center for Internet Security (CIS) benchmarks, the Defence Information Systems Agency (DISA) Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) auditing requirements, iii. Provision audit policies that balance the need to monitor activity with the impact of collecting and storing audit data, iv. Monitor user activity with data, v. Simplify compliance reporting and help identify risky user behaviour, g) Audit Vault and Database Firewall: The Database Security Management tool must provide both audit vault and database firewall to provide the following: i. Assess database security posture, ii. Monitor privileged user activity, iii. Deny and block unauthorised access, iv. Provide useful, simplified logs to assist with the incident investigation, v. Provide continuous alerts on suspicious activity, vi. Provide simplified regulatory compliance reporting such as PCI DSS, GDPR and POPIA, h) Interoperability: The Database Security Management tool must support numerous and prevailing database management system (DBMS) technologies such as Microsoft (MS) structured query language (SQL), MySQL, SQLite, Redis DB, Oracle databases, IBM DB2, IBM NETEZZA, SAP HANA, MongoDB, Postgres, Cassandra, Neo4j DBMS, PostGIS, Elasticsearch DBMS, and MariaDB but not limited to these DBMS technologies, i) Integration to SIEM: The Database Security Management tool must be able to integrate with numerous and prevailing SIEM tools such as Splunk, and Sentinel but not limited to these SIEM tools, j) Integration to advanced AI and machine learning (ML) network monitoring solutions: The Database Security Management tool must be able to integrate numerous and prevailing AI and machine learning network monitoring solutions such as Darktrace but not limited to these tools listed, k) Integration to on-prem Identity Provider (IdP): The Database Security Management tool must be able to integrate with Eskom existing on-prem identity provider (IdP)for central user account management, to enable MFA and SSO, l) Self-hosted or on-prem and Cloud-based Databases: The Database Security Management tool must be able to scan both databases hosted on- prem and in the cloud, m) Process Control Network’s (PCN’s) or Operational Technology (OT) Databases: The Database Security Management tool must be able to scan databases that are placed on the PCN or OT networks, n) Agentless: The Database Security Management tool must be agentless, o) Reporting: The Database Security Management tool must simplify compliance reporting, users, administrators, and privileged user activity logs and help identify risky user behaviour. Training/Transfer of skills: a) Provide web-based or online training for Security Services Security Operation Centre (SOC) team to enable them to perform the scan, analyse, interpret the results, forward to the relevant stakeholders to remediate identified security vulnerabilities, b) Provide Database Security tool onboarding assistance, c) Mentor, transfer skills and knowledge to Eskom resources assigned to the project through the installation, configuration, testing, and deployment stages using a defined skills transfer program, d) Expert level training with relevant certification for the SOC team. Service Level Agreement requirements: The Service Provider must provide 24X7X365 (24/7/365) support and monitoring of the Database Security Management tool: a) The SOC team require 24X7X365 (24/7/365) support throughout the year, b) Security Services department requires 24X7X365 (24/7/365) monitoring of the Database Security tool, c) Security Services department requires MTTR (Mean time to resolve) of 4 hours, d) The availability of the SaaS solution must be 99.9%. (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen

Nummer: 108286183

Land: South Africa


28 jun
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Implementation of a comprehensive "Board Pack System". This system is expected to streamline the board meeting preparations, enhance document management: Virtual access (cloud based): 15 Users + two administrators (DigiTech): The Board pack system should be able to: • Uploading of board meeting packs (Document Management - collect, upload, store, track, and share all electronic documents in a centralized location for quick access), • Store and archive old board meeting packs (Secure data storage – the ability to securely store data to prevent data loss or breaches), • Resource centre for the Board, • Meeting set up on a group calendar (Meeting Management – ability to coordinate schedules and organize board meetings), • View, mark up, and annotate material (Meeting and document notes), • Share comments and inputs (Collaboration tools - Provide a channel for team members to share media files, communicate and work together), • Safety of information imperative, • Provide for digital signatures (Voting and resolutions), • Secure messaging, • Board presentations, • Offline and online accessibility to prevent the download of documents, • Minutes management - the ability to record and distribute meeting dates, times, attendees, and agendas, • Approval process control - the ability to manage the process of evaluating documents or requests submitted for approval, • Access controls/permissions - the ability to define levels of authorization for access to specific files or systems, • Calendar management - the ability to create schedules, organize meetings, prioritize tasks, track deadlines, and share these details with others, • An audit trail – the ability to provide sequential records detailing the history and events related to a specific transaction, • Encryption (data at rest and on transit) - the solution must utilize strong encryption protocols to ensure the security and confidentiality of the documents. Compatibility: • IOS, Android, Windows and Mac. Support: 24 hour support to be provided. (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen

Nummer: 106703996

Land: South Africa


22 may
Bidders are hereby invited to submit proposals/quotations for repairs and servicing of tools and equipment per specification: Scope of work: - Mechanical trouble shooting and diagnosis, - Repair and servicing of the tools and equipment/machinery, - These detailed specifications are for tree cutting around electricity cables and buildings, - The service provider shall provide all labour, supervision, consumables and customs for tools, equipment, machinery and other means necessary for performing and completing the work, The following non-functional tools and equipment have been identified for repairs and servicing: - Brush cutters: Stihl 460, Qty: 20, - Brush cutters: Stihl 450, Qty: 10, - Brush cutters: Stihl 410, Qty: 5, - Chainsaw Ms 661C, Qty: 1, - Chainsaw Ms382, Qty: 1, Emaxesibeni Weighbridge, Qty: 1: Systems features to include, but are not limited to: 1) Secure User login in and control, 2) Customer/Account Records: Customer Records, Price Groups, Charge Methods, ton, kg, cubic metre, 3) Account Groups, 4) Sites: System must be configured to accommodate a multi-weighbridge, multi-site methodology, 5) Transporter/Haulier Records, 6) Vehicle File: Code, Reg No, Stored Tare, Description, Owner linking, Vehicle Access Control – block vehicle from entering, 7) Trailer File: - Reg No, Stored Tare, Description, 8) Container File: Code, Description, Size, Stored tare Mass, 9) Products/Category File: Code, Description, Site, Safe Disposal Certificates, Price Groups, Unit Allocations, 10) Waste Stream: Category Code, Waste Stream Code, Waste Stream Description, UN Number, Class, packaging Group, 11) Disposal Methods, 12) Reporting: Transactions by all, Transactions by Date by Category, Transactions by Origin-Route, Transactions by Site, Transactions by Category by Site, Master file Report, Vehicles, Waste Category, Customers, Monthly totals by customer, by category, Recycled Material Reporting, 13) Scale reader screen. Please confirm the specifications. (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen

Nummer: 104851864

Land: South Africa


24 jan
Extension of Closing Date: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provision of parking management system, bus billing & maintenance of both systems at Pretoria Station for a period of 18 months in the Northern Gauteng Region. Scope of works: PRASA CRES is seeking proposals from sufficiently qualified and experienced car park management operators to manage and maintain the parking operation and systems, inclusive of the following: - Maintenance of the parking equipment; - Implementation and management of the bus/coach billing system at Pretoria Station; and - The service provider will operate and manage the pay on entry system with a view to optimize revenue generation and collection while ensuring generation of revenue and efficient and effective access control to the facilities. Extent of scope of work: Pay on Entry System, Implementation and Management of the Bus/Coach Billing system and the Maintenance of the Parking System. The overall management and administration of the pay on entry system, bus billing system, maintenance of the parking system and overall commercial parking at Pretoria station encompassing the following components: 1. Management of the Pay on Entry Parking System; 2. Implementation, Integration & Management of the Bus/Coach Billing Management System, and 3. Management/Facilitation of the Maintenance of the Parking Equipment at Pretoria Station. The service provider will operate, manage, maintain the existing pay on entry system. In addition, the service provider shall implement, install, manage and maintain the new Bus/Coach billing with a view to optimize revenue generation and collection while ensuring efficient and effective access control to the facilities. (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen

Nummer: 98309436

Land: South Africa


08 dec
Erratum: Amendment to the Briefing Session Priority and Validity Period for Contract Number: CSOS0012-2023. Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider for the provision, implementation and maintenance of a web-based knowledge management solution to analyse, catalogue, and publish CSOS adjudication orders for a period of three (03) years. Scope of work: The successful bidder would be expected to supply, install, and configure a web-based off-the-shelf knowledge management solution for the CSOS. The CSOS does not require subscription services or a Bespoke solution; • Provide hosting services for the solution for a period of three (03) years; • Renewal of licenses for the duration of the contract and where applicable, supply additional licenses. • Provide once-off organizing, classification, cataloguing, uploading, and publishing of the four thousand (4000) identified adjudication orders for the CSOS. • Provide once-off training to 10 nominated users at CSOS and assist with change management to help with the adoption of the solution within CSOS. Provide support and maintenance of the solution for the duration of the contract period including the following: • Continuous updating of content; • Provision ad-hoc training as required by the CSOS; • Provision of end-user support; • Performing any ad-hoc requests as and when required by the CSOS; • Customization of the solution in line with the needs of the CSOS including corporate branding. Integrate the solution with other systems at the CSOS for the purpose of transferring and sharing content. Integration points may include: • Azure Active Directory (access control); • SharePoint Online; • CSOS WordPress website. Please confirm the contract number. (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen

Nummer: 95810695

Land: South Africa


11 nov
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: A service provider to supply network and server administrator and ICT security officer/administrator. Specifications: A service provider is required for the provisioning of the services as described hereunder, by providing dedicated staffing resources to Robben Island Museum (hereinafter referred to as ‘RIM’) for a period of 6 months (uninterrupted). The service will need to be rendered on-site at RIM’s offices (includes attending meetings off-site) as remote assistance will not be accepted. Services/duties required for the network and server administrator: • Manage relationships with external Service Providers; • Review and develop new ICT policies. Ensure that policies are relevant and adjusted for changes in business environment and legislature; • Advanced LAN/WAN Support as well as Server Administration and Maintenance; • Plan, co-ordinate, install, configure, support, and manage all Windows and Linux Systems and Servers; • Implement policies on Active Directory; • Maintain the Active Directory and ensure proper account management; • Maintain Microsoft Exchange and ensure availability of emails through all various channels and devices; • Maintenance of systems uptime and report thereon; • Liaise with the appointed Service Provider on network connectivity issues; • Identify and resolve (hardware and software) technical problems and malfunctions related to Windows Operating Systems; • Infrastructure planning and systems provisioning in a Windows environment; • Develop and implement policies and procedures for Windows administration; • Monitor and control infrastructure performance; • Ensure the configuration and documentation of installed network devices; • Facilitate the installation of network and access points; • Develop and maintain a Network diagram for the entire RIM environment; • Manage the Virtual LAN and allocation of IP Addresses across the network; • Allocate/ delegate work; • Train and develop junior IT Technicians and Interns; • Monitor outstanding or pending calls; • Address user complaints and call escalations. Services/duties required for an ICT security officer/administrator: Backup and Restore: • Servers and desktops/laptops must be backed up daily and the status of the backups must be captured in a daily operation report; • Backup and Restore procedures; • A restore plan must be prepared and approved; • Once a month the incumbent must perform a restore of the backup; • To engage and involve the user department(s) for their participation and sign off to confirm that a restore was done successfully; • Backup and Restore reports must be submitted on Monthly basis. Patch management: • To ensure that systems running on servers, desktop/laptops must run on the latest software; • Must review and approve Patch management procedures; • Must be able to install and assist in tracking and helping with the installation of patches and/or updates using the patch management software; • To prepare and submit Patch management reports on monthly basis. Antivirus Management: • To ensure that servers and desktop/laptops are running on the latest antivirus software; • Must review and approve Antivirus management procedures; • Must use RIM’s Antivirus management systems to monitor and protect RIM environment from malware, phishing, spam, ransomware, etc; • To review the Antivirus dashboard daily and reported to the Senior ICT manager weekly; • To prepare and submit Antivirus management report on monthly basis. Disaster Recovery Planning and Testing: • ICT Continuity Plans must be reviewed, updated, and approved; • To ensure that DR sites established is still operational; • ICT Continuity must be tested at least twice a year; • Status of ICT Continuity must be report to Senior ICT Manager. ICT Security: • ICT Security policy and procedures to be reviewed and approved; • To develop an implementation plan that will be used to track and report on Cyber Security User awareness campaign; • ICT Security awareness/alert messages must be sent to users at least twice a month as part of the awareness campaign; • Vulnerability assessment must be performed quarterly; • To use the Audit improvement plan to resolve audit findings. (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen

Nummer: 94019379

Land: South Africa