Webseitenentwicklung: ausschreibungen, öffentliche beschaffung 2025

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insgesamt: 420
19 mar
Design Development and Maintenance of a New Fully Dynamic Website of University of Allahabad (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Ende der Bewerbung durch: 20 Tage
Kunde: Central public Procurement portal India

Nummer: 120725644

Land: India

Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India

17 mar
Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to conduct a change management facilitation and training for a period of six (06) months. Scope of work: The successful service provider will be expected to render the following services: - Developing a change strategy that addresses and identifies key stakeholders for change, and providing necessary training or resources, - Identify opportunities for growth, career progression, and skill-building for employees within the client, - Creating and implementing communication plans for this change management process, - Provide a structured methodology that will be used to facilitate the adoption of the necessary changes, - Produce a comprehensive report including recommendations and the change management implementation plan, - Conduct a PowerPoint feedback/reporting session to Executives and Staff (These PowerPoint presentations will become the property of the client). Deliverables: - The Service provider must provide a clear, detailed project plan, activities, and time frames, - Conduct general management and staff feedback sessions, - Produce a Preliminary Change Management Report, - Conduct a PowerPoint feedback session with the Executive and Staff (These PowerPoint feedback sessions with the Executives and Staff), - Produce a comprehensive final report including recommendations and change management implementation plan, - Design, development and manage implementation of a change management process, - Regular feedback sessions will be held throughout the change management process to ensure the involvement of key stakeholders and alignment with organizational needs, - To develop a clear action plan based on survey results that outlines necessary changes and improvement, - To create a roadmap for implementing change management initiatives that align with the lessons learnt, - The platforms must be able to be used by the client to engage its employees (but not limited to) the website and Employee Information System, staff engagement sessions/general meetings, - The facilitator is expected to successfully build an organization change management plan and maintain its integrity, culture management is crucial, - Provide an assessment report on the affected employee’s understanding of the daily deliverables and impact towards achievement of the client’s objectives, - Close-out Report (brief report to be submitted at the end of the contract period, a reflection on all the advisory and support activities conducted, lessons learned from these, and proposed next steps). The duration of the contract will be for a period of six (06) months. (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen

Nummer: 120592027

Land: South Africa


16 mar

Nummer: 120555272

Land: Bahrain

Quelle: Tender Board - Kingdom of Bahrain

12 mar

Nummer: 120343423

Quelle: RFQ

04 mar

Nummer: 119901232

Land: Albania

Quelle: United Nations

03 mar

Nummer: 119823940

Land: Japan

Quelle: Government Procurement Japan

01 mar

Nummer: 119799602

Land: Australia

Quelle: RFQ

18 feb
Website Hosting, mainenance and development. (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen
Kunde: Central public Procurement portal India

Nummer: 119115887

Land: India

Quelle: Central public Procurement portal India

14 feb
Bids are hereby invited from suitably qualified and accredited service providers who are interested to submit their tender responses for website revamp and maintenance for 3 years. Scope of work: The municipality is seeking services of a website that is responsive, data-sensitive and secure: - Revamp a WordPress based Website; - Updating of core WordPress, plugins and themes; - Development of a security management plan for the website; - Technical support; - Google CDN integration; - Google Maps integration; - Full social Logon Support; - Tender Workflow (Auto expiry, etc.); - Vacancies (LinkedIn CV Support); - Download Manager with Drop Box and Google Drive support; - Automated backup with drop box; - SSL Encryption Support; - Google Api driven Local Business Listing; - Content changes in cases where admin right holders do not have access; - User management; - Monthly and annual google analytics PDF and CSV format; - Transfer of maintenance and management from the previous service provider; - Monthly full website run through testing i.e. updating links, link checks, enquiry boxes and fixing; - Monthly social media optimization i.e. generating higher SEO rank for website over time; - Monthly blog post optimization i.e. generating higher SEO rank for website over time; - Deleting allspam comments on website; - Domain registration, hosting, renewal and monthly backups; - Security installation (SQL Injection Protection, XXS Protection, etc.); - 1 x daily Twitter and Facebook posts to feed into the website for 36 months. (EN) Zu Favoriten hinzufügen

Nummer: 118971489

Land: South Africa