E-mail: tracy.holt@rothgen.nhs.uk
United KingdomStadt: Rotherham
Adresse: The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust
Woodside, 120 Moorgate Road
S60 2TY
United Kingdom
Contact point(s): S60 2TY
For the attention of: Tracy Holt
E-mail: tracy.holt@rothgen.nhs.uk
Internet address(es):General address: http://www.rotherhamhospital.nhs.uk
Electronic access to information: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/noecpc/aspx/Home
Electronic submission of tenders and requests to participate: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/noecpc/aspx/Home
Verträge: 7
Ausschreibungen: 21
Quelle: TEDAuf der Website werden Informationen zu Verträgen selektiv veröffentlicht.