1. Hydrock Consultants Ltd 2. Furness Partnership 3. Ridge and Partners LLP (1. Solihull 2. Bradford 3. Solihull, United Kingdom, Lieferant №181754): kontakte, adresse, e-mail, Ausschreibungen

Land: United Kingdom
Stadt: 1. Solihull 2. Bradford 3. Solihull
Adresse: 1. Hydrock Consultants Ltd 2. Furness Partnership 3. Ridge and Partners LLP, 1. Blythe Valley Innovation Centre, Central Boulevard 2. The Paper Hall, Anne Gate 3. Cranbrook Way, Solihull Business Park, 1. Solihull 2. Bradford 3. Solihull, 1. B90 8A 2. BD1 4EQ 3. B90 4GR, United Kingdom, Contact point(s): 1. B90 8A 2. BD1 4EQ 3. B90 4GR,
Verträge: 1
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Nummer: 181748

Land: China

Quelle: TED

Nummer: 181749

Land: China

Quelle: TED

Nummer: 181750

Land: United Kingdom

Quelle: TED

Nummer: 181751

Land: United Kingdom

Quelle: TED